兴趣集中在中微子,暗物质相关的超出标准模型新物理,目前为止发表论文19篇,总引用次数400多次 论文发表如下:
U(1)B−3Lα extended scotogenic models and single-zero textures of neutrino mass matrices, Weijian Wang, Zhi-Long Han, Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 11, 115040
Predictive Scotogenic Model with Flavor Dependent Symmetry, Zhi-Long Han, Weijian Wang, Eur.Phys.J.C 79 (2019) 6, 522
Portal Dark Matter in B−L Scotogenic Dirac Model, Zhi-Long Han, Weijian Wang, Eur.Phys.J.C 78 (2018) 10, 839
Radiative Seesaw Model and DAMPE Excess from Leptophilic Gauge Symmetry, Zhi-Long Han, Weijian Wang, Ran Ding, Eur.Phys.J.C 78 (2018) 3, 216
Neutrino mass matrices with one texture equality and one vanishing neutrino mass, Jinzhong Han, Ruihong Wang, Weijian Wang, Xing-Ning Wei, Phys.Rev.D 96 (2017) 7, 075043
The B−L Scotogenic Models for Dirac Neutrino Masses, Weijian Wang, Ronghui Wang, Zhi-Long Han, Jin-Zhong Han, Eur.Phys.J.C 77 (2017) 12, 889
Naturally Small Dirac Neutrino Mass with Intermediate SU(2)L Multiplet Fields, Weijian Wang, Zhi-Long Han, JHEP 04 (2017) 166
Global U(1)L Breaking in Neutrinophilic 2HDM: From LHC Signatures to X-Ray Line, Weijian Wang, Zhi-Long Han, Phys.Rev.D 94 (2016) 5, 053015
Neutrino mass matrices with two vanishing cofactors and Fritzsch texture for charged lepton mass matrix, Weijian Wang, Shu-Yuan Guo, Zhi-Gang Wang, Mod.Phys.Lett.A 31 (2016) 13, 1650080
Radiative linear seesaw model, dark matter, and U(1)B−L, Weijian Wang, Zhi-Long Han, Phys.Rev.D 94 (2016) 5, 053015
The one-loop θ2 corrections of gauge boson propagator in the noncommutative scalar U(1) theory,Weijian Wang, Jia-Hui Huang, Mod.Phys.Lett.A 29 (2014) 34, 1450172
Parallel Lepton Mass Matrices with Texture and Cofactor Zeros,Weijian Wang,Phys.Rev.D 90 (2014) 3, 033014
Parallel Texture Structures with Cofactor Zeros in Lepton Sector,Weijian Wang, Phys.Lett.B 733 (2014) 320-327
Neutrino mass textures with one vanishing minor and two equal cofactors, Weijian Wang, Eur.Phys.J.C 73 (2013) 2551
TeV Scale Phenomenology of e+e−→μ+μ− Scattering in the Noncommutative Standard Model with Hybrid Gauge Transformation,Weijian Wang, Jia-Hui Huang, Zheng-Mao Sheng,Phys.Rev.D 86 (2012) 025003
Multigluon tree amplitudes with a pair of massive fermions,Jia-Hui Huang, Weijian Wang,Eur.Phys.J.C 72 (2012) 2050
Microcausality of spin-induced noncommutative theories,Jia-Hui Huang, Weijian Wang,Mod.Phys.Lett.A 28 (2013) 1250239
Entropy Bound with Generalized Uncertainty Principle in General Dimensions,Weijian Wang, Da Huang,EPL 99 (2012) 1, 11002
Higgsstrahlung and pair production in e+e− collision in the noncommutative standard model,Weijian Wang, Feichao Tian, Zheng-Mao Sheng,Phys.Rev.D 84 (2011) 045012