在国内外著名物理期刊发表SCI论文30余篇。承担(省部级以上)科研项目9项;获发明专利20余项 部分科研项目列表
- 中央高校基本科研业务费优青培育项目(2016YQ11);
- 苏州市产业技术创新专项项目;
- 中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目:超材料异质结结构光子晶体的研究(13ZD23);
- 教育部”新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,(NCET-12-0844);
- 中央高校基本科研业务费:异质结光子晶体和微结构激光器的研究(12MS142);
- 国家自然科学基金:制作具有可见光范围内全空间禁带的光子晶体的研究(11004055);
- 中央高校基本科研业务费;利用无序和球对称性实现全空间禁带的研究(09ML56);
- 国家自然科学基金项目;全息法制作低折射率材料具有可见光范围内全空间禁带的光子晶体(60677006);
- Guiyin Zhang, Huan Song, Yang Liu, Zhanlong Zhao, Songtao Li, Zhi Ren, Optimization of experimental parameters about laser induced breakdown and measurement of soil elements, Optik, 165 (2018) 87-93
- Songtao Li, Yang Liu, Zhi Ren※, Xiaohong Zhang, Guodong Liu. Electronic structure and half-metallicity of the heusler alloy Co2ZrGe. Journal of the Korean Physical Society . Vol.65, (2014) 1059-1062
- Songtao Li, Yang Liu, Zhi Ren※, Xiaohong Zhang, Guodong Liu. Electronic structure and half-metallicity of heusler alloy Mn2RhAl. International Journal of Modern Physics B. Vol.27, (2013) 1350161
- Zhi Ren, Songtao Li, Xipai Liu, Reflective Chiral-homeotropic Liquid Crystal Displays, J. Solid State Phenomena, 181~182: 281~284 (2012).
- S.T. Li, Zhi Ren※, Design of mobile phone internet of things at home---based on Java ME and Bluetooth technology. 2012 International Conference on Computer and Management , Vol. 1, 871-874.
- Rui Dai, Shujing Chen, Zhi Ren, Zhaona Wang, Dahe Liu, Defect modes in silver-doped photonic crystals made by holography using dichromated gelatin, Appl. Phys. B, 109:15-18(2012).
- Z. Ren, S. T. Li, H. Z. Luo. Structure and magnetic properties of Fe2CoGe synthesized by ball-milling. J. Physica B, 405 , 2840-2843(2010).
- Zhi Ren, Songtao Li, Dahe Liu. Air Impurity in Holographic Photonic Crystals Made with Dichromated Gelatin, Proc.SPIE, Vol.7848, 7848H(2010).
- Zhi Ren, Songtao Li, Dahe Liu. Electric Field Induced by Ion Cr³+ in Volume Hologram Made with Dichromated Gelatin. Photonics and Optoelectronic (2010).
- Tianrui. Zhai, Zhi Ren,Rongkuo Zhao, Zhaona Wang,Lifeng Wang, Jing Zhou, Dahe Liu, Doping Defects in Two-Dimensional Holographic Photonic Crystals Using aContinuous-Wave Visible Laser,Chin. Phys. Lett, 26(5), 054201(1-3)(2009).
- Ren Xiao-Bin,Zhai Tian-Rui,Ren Zhi,Lin Jing,Zhou Jing,Liu Da-He, The effect of nonlinear exposure on bandgap of three-dimensional holographic photonic crystal, J. Physics, 58(5), 3208-3213(2009).
- Zhi Ren, Tianrui Zhai, Zhaona Wang, Jing Zhou, Dahe Liu, Complete band gaps in visible range achieved by material with low refractive index. Advanced Materials,Vol.20 (12),2337 – 2340(2008).
- Tianrui. Zhai, Zhi Ren, Zhaona Wang, Jing Zhou, Dahe Liu, Achieving Complete Bandgaps by Self-Similar Spherical Structure Using Low Refractive Index Materials, Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, Vol. 20, 1066-1068(2008).
- Zhi Ren, Zhaona Wang, Tianrui Zhai, Hua Gao, Dahe Liu and Xiangdong Zhang, Complex diamond lattice with wide band gaps in the visible range prepared by holography using a material with a low index of refraction, Phys. Rev. B, Vol.76, 035120(1-6)(2007).
- Zhi Ren, Tianrui Zhai, and Dahe Liu, Complex diamond lattice with wide band gaps in the visible range prepared by holography using a material with a low index of refraction, Physics Letters A, Vol.371, 512-516(2007).
- 端面泵浦的固体激光器,ZL200910143181.2
- 改进的脉冲激光测距装置及使用该装置的激光测距方法,ZL201010109193.6
- 一种光子晶体光纤可调微波毫米波发生器,ZL201110162832.X
- 利用旋转波片抑制受激布里渊散射装置和方法,ZL201010602554.0
- 一种光子晶体光纤调Q光纤激光器,ZL201110168268.2
- 光纤中受激布里渊散射的抑制方法,ZL201110259143.0
- 一种压力调谐的光子晶体光纤微波毫米波发生器,ZL201110259201.X
- 一种具有圆环形反射镜的固体激光器, ZL201310025166.4
- 一种借助阈值检测的激光器以及传输介质故障检测装置, ZL201320186016.7
- 一种35KV以下的配电线电缆接地远程监视装置, ZL201420499840.2
- 一种输电线激光驱鸟装置, ZL201420711175.9.…
- 保定市五四青年奖章
- 河北省大学生物理竞赛优秀指导教师