Y.Tang, G.Li, T.Zhang, H.Ren, X.Yang, L.Yang, D.Guo, and Y.Shen*. Digital Channel-Enabled Distributed Force Decoding via Small Datasets for Hand-Centric Interactions, Science Advances, accepted, 2025. 【中科院一区Top】
T.Zhang, G.Li, H.Ren, L.Yang, X.Yang, R.Tan, Y.Tang, D.Guo, H.Zhao, W.Shang, and Y.Shen*. Sub-Millimeter Fiberscopic Robot with Integrated Maneuvering, Imaging, and Biomedical Operation Abilities, Nature Communications, 15, 10874, 2024.【中科院一区Top】
H.Ren, J.Wang, L.Yang, T.Zhang, G.Li, Y.Tang, T. N. D.Yu, and Y.Shen*. A portable wireless spirometer device for long-term pulmonary function monitoring and training, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 270, 116937, 2025.【中科院一区Top】
L.Yang#, T.Zhang#, H.Huang, H.Ren, W.Shang* and Y.Shen*. An on-wall-rotating Strategy for Effective Upstream Motion of Untethered Millirobot: Principle, Design and Demonstration, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(3), 2419-2428, 2023.【中科院一区Top】
L.Yang, T.Zhang, R.Tan, X.Yang, D.Guo, Y.Feng, H.Ren, Y.Tang, W.Shang, and Y.Shen*. Functionalized Spiral-Rolling Millirobot for Upstream Swimming in Blood Vessel, Advanced Science, 9(16), 2200342, 2022.【中科院一区Top】
L.Yang, J.Miao, G.Li, H.Ren, T.Zhang, D.Guo, Y.Tang, W.Shang, and Y.Shen*. Soft Tunable Gelatin Robot with Insect-like Claw for Grasping, Transportation, and Delivery, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4(8), 5431–5440, 2022.
R.Tan, X.Yang, H.Lu, L.Yang, T.Zhang, J.Miao, Y.Feng, and Y.Shen*. Nanofiber-based biodegradable millirobot with controllable anchoring and adaptive stepwise release functions, Matter, 5(4), 1277-1295, 2022.【中科院一区Top】
Y.Tang, T.Zhang, H.Ren, W.Zhang, G.Li, D.Guo, L.Yang, R.Tan and Y.Shen*. Highly sensitive spherical cap structure‐based iontronic pressure sensors by a mold‐free fabrication approach, Smart Materials and Structures, 31(9), 095030,2022.
H.Huang, Y.Feng, X.Yang, L.Yang, and Y.Shen*. An Insect-Inspired Terrains-Adaptive Soft Millirobot with Multimodal Locomotion and Transportation Capability, Micromachines, 13(10), 1578, 2022.
T.Zhang, L.Yang, X.Yang, R.Tan, H.Lu, and Y.Shen*. Millimeter-Scale Soft Continuum Robots for Large-Angle and High-Precision Manipulation by Hybrid Actuation, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 3(2), 2000189, 2021.
Y.Liu, Y.Yang, X.Yang, L.Yang, Y.Shen* and Wanfeng Shang. Multi-functionalized micro-helical capsule robots with superior loading and releasing capabilities. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 9(5), 1441-1451, 2021.
X.Yang, W.Shang, H.Lu, Y.Liu, L.Yang, R.Tan, X. Wu, and Y.Shen*. An agglutinate magnetic spray transforms inanimate objects into millirobots for biomedical applications. Science Robotics, 5(48), eabc8191, 2020.【中科院一区Top】
P.Zhou, L.Yang and Y.Huang. A Smart Phone Based Handheld Wireless Spirometer with Functions and Precision Comparable to Laboratory Spirometers, Sensors, 19(11), 2487, 2019.