Linxia Zhang

Publish By :CLES Hits: Published:2015/05/11

Linxia Zhang

Experimentalist, Ph. D (Beijing Institute of Technology)

Postal address:College of Life and Environmental Sciences,Minzu University of China,27 Zhongguancun South Avenue, Haidian district, Beijing 100081,P. R. China

Phone: +86-10-6893 2242

E-mail: zhanglx@muc.edu.cn


Analytical Chemistry Experiment,General Chemistry

Research Interests

1. Extraction and separation of natural plants and medicines, screening and applying of enzyme inhibitors from natural origin;

2. Gas chromatographic stationary phase research areas. The specific ionic liquids as gas chromatography stationary phases are applied in chiral separation study.

Representative papers

1. Zhang L X, Liu T, Luo A Q, et al.Study on poly methods of imidazolium ionic liquid stationary phase in capillary gas chromatography[C].The 2011International Conference onBioengineering, Chemistry and Environment Science, 10: 8557-8560 (2011) (EI).

2. Zhang L X, Liu T, Luo A Q, et al.Separation and application of poly-allyl-imidazolium ionic liquid stationary phase in capillary gas chromatography[C].Advanced Materials Research, 236-238: 2639-2642(2011) (EI).

3. Zhang L X, Liu T, Luo A Q. Application of quaternary aminated β-cyclodextrin Ionic Liquid Stationary Phase in Capillary Gas Chromatography[C].Advanced Materials Research, 317- 319: 1936-1939 (2011) (EI).

4. Zhou Y S, Luo A Q,Zhang L X, et al. Synthesis of Imidazolium-Cation of Chiral Ionic Liquids [C]. Beijing: the Thirteenth Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, 862- 863 (2009) (EI).

5. Chen Z H, Xue B,Zhang L X, et al.High porosity lysozyme imprinted polymers[C]. The 2011International Conference onBioengineering, Chemistry and Environment Science, 10: 8306- 8309(2011) (EI).

6. Linxia Zhang, Jinshu Li, Jinzhao Feng .The Discussion on Management of Good- sized Instruments and Equipments and Effective Using in Experimental Centers of Colleges and Universities[J].CHINA MODERN EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT,8, 7-8(2008).

7. ChangGen Feng,Linxia Zhang,Xia Liu.Progress in research of aldose reductase inhibitors in traditional medicinal herbs[J].CHINA JOURNAL OF CHINESE MATERIA MEDICA,19,1496-1500(2005).

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