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Dong F Wang
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Zhejiang Uni. & Tohoku Uni.

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Personal Information:

Business Address:Room 703, Shao Yifu Mechanical & Material Building, Nanling Campus, Jilin University


Other Contact Information:

教授/博导工作室 (Office) :

工作室电话 (Direct Call) :

教授 信箱 (E-mail) :

微工程与微系统实验室 信箱 (E-mail) :

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Dr. Dong F. Wang received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in materials science and engineering from Zhejiang University, China, and the Ph.D. degree in mechatronic engineering from Tohoku University, Japan.


He was with Prof. Masayoshi Esashi at MEMS Laboratory of Tohoku University, where his research was focused on the micro/nano tribology of ultrathin diamond-like films, nano-mechanics of ultrathin silicon resonators, and micro/nano magnetic mesa structures for all-silicon quantum computers. Since 2014, he has been a Leading Professor with the Micro Engineering and Micro Systems Laboratory (JML), Jilin University, China, where he is mainly involved in non-linear vibration and its sensing applications to IoT (Internet of Things), such as new sensing mechanisms/schemes, new mechanical sensors/devices/systems, new energy harvesters/power suppliers, as well as new sensing materials/smart manufacturing.


He coauthored 2 international book chapters in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (Springer, 2018), published 200+ peer-reviewed articles in international journals and conference proceedings, holds 50+ Chinese patents and 2 Japanese patents, and delivered many invited talks on micro engineering and micro systems.


He received several awards from Japan, USA, and China, and serves as General Chair, Vice Chairperson, TPC Member etc. for 10+ international conferences, and as contributing reviewer for 40+ SCI indexed journals. He is one of the founders of the Annual IEEE NEMS International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems since 2006, and the Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on MEMS/NEMS since 2006.


His group is also collaborating with researchers from The University of Tokyo, as well as National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Ubiquitous MEMS and Micro Engineering.


He is a Senior Member of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES), as well as Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology (CSMNT). He is also a Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ), Japan Society of Next Generation Sensor Technology, as well as MEMS Industry Forum.


[1] 1983.9  to  1987.7
Zhejiang University | Material science and engineering | Bachelor's degree
[2] 1989.9  to  1992.2
Zhejiang University | Material science and engineering | Master's degree
[3] 1993.9  to  1997.9
Tohoku University | Mechanical science and engineering | PhD. | Doctor of Engineering | Tohoku University

No content

[1] Micro Nano Science & Engineering, including:
1. Micro / Nano Electro Mechanical System (MEMS / NEMS);
2. Micro-Manufacturing / Micro-Machining;
3. Micro Nano Tribology.

[1] Tsukuba Innovation ArenaChair of Inter-university Networking Committee
[2] Inter. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineering and Molecular System (IEEE NEMS)Technical Programme Committee Member & Session Chairperson
[3] Sensors and Acutators A. Physical (Elsevier); Nanotechnology (IOP science); Applied Physics Letters (AIP); IEEE Sensors Journal (IEEE); Microsystem Technologies (Springer-verlag) 等17种国际SCI源刊特约审稿人特约审稿人
[4] IEEE SENSORS 2017Paper Reviewer
[5] JSME (Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineering)会员
[6] MEMS Industry Forum高级会员
[7] 河北省科学技术奖励评审专家评审专家
[8] IEEJ (Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan)会员
[9] 吉林省科学技术奖励评审专家评审专家
[10] Japan Society of Next Generation Sensor Technology高级会员
[11] National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)Visiting Researcher
[12] Inter. Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (IEEE DTIP)Programme Committee Member; Session Chairperson
[13] 中国微米纳米技术学会会员
[14] 国家自然科学基金委员会ISIS系统评议专家评议专家
[15] Japan-China-Korea Joint Conf. on MEMS/NEMS (JCK MEMS/NEMS)Executive Committee Member & Session Chairperson; Vice Chair of Organizing Committee; Advisory Committee Member; Best Presentation Award Committee

Research Group

Name of Research Group:JLU MEMS LAB

Description of Research Group:科研团队(Academic Group): 由包括数名教授在内的近10名专业教师团队组成,和美国、欧洲及日韩等国知名大学及研究机构均有合作与交流。欢迎国内外拥有机械、电子、信息、材料、物理、生物、化学或医学等不同专业背景,掌握英语、汉语或日语中的任意语种,希望在微纳智能系统 (MEMS/NEMS)、微小机械制造 (Micro-Manufacturing/Micro-Machining)、微纳摩檫学(Micro Nano Tribology)、智能信息机械系统 (Intelligent Informative Mechanical Systems)等微纳科学与工程 (Micro Nano Science & Engineering)相关研究领域推进开创性(Pioneering & Novel/Original) 基础研究与关键共性技术应用研究的专家学者、工程师、博士后、博士生、硕士生、及各年级本科生等各层次人才,勇于科研实践,奋力创新创造,圆梦复兴伟业,造福人类社会。

Name of Research Group:JLU MEMS LAB 队员毕业后去向(Students of Status after Graduation):

Description of Research Group:一 产业界(Company):TOYOTA(丰田)、NISSAN (日产)、HONDA(本田)、MATSUDA(马自达)、HITACHI(日立)、NEC(日电)、Canon(佳能)、OMRON(欧姆龙)、DENSO(电装)、TDK(东电化)、SONY(索尼)、OLYMPUS(奥林巴斯)、China FAW Group Corporation(一汽)、HUAWEI(华为)etc.
  二 学术界(University):Tohoku University(日本)、The University of Tokyo(日本)、The University of Tsukuba(日本)、Nagoya University(日本)、Osaka University(日本)、University of Florida(美国)、University of California(美国)、University of Virginia(美国)、Northeastern University(美国)、Columbia University(美国)、Northwestern University(美国)、ETH Zurich(瑞士)、National University of Singapore(新加坡)、Nanyang Technological University(新加坡)、Technische Universiteit Delft(荷兰)etc.

Name of Research Group:JLU MEMS LAB 研究生等名额:

Description of Research Group:硕士研究生7~8名/每年;博士研究生2~3名/每年;博士后2~3名/每年。热诚欢迎国内外拥有机械、电子、信息、材料、物理、生物、化学或医学等不同专业背景,掌握英语、汉语或日语中的任意语种,希望在微纳智能系统 (MEMS/NEMS)、微小机械制造 (Micro-Manufacturing/Micro-Machining)、微纳摩檫学(Micro Nano Tribology)、智能信息机械系统 (Intelligent Informative Mechanical Systems)等微纳科学与工程 (Micro Nano Science & Engineering)相关研究领域推进开创性基础研究与关键共性技术应用研究的各层次人才。