

发布时间:2024-04-08 09:33:27 作者/出处:

2024年第十三届数量经济学国际学术会议”拟于2024712-714日在中国上海举行,会议英文名称为:The Thirteenth International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2024。本届国际会议拟围绕“一带一路”经济合作与发展过程中的新现象、新问题、新机制、新模式,探讨“一带一路”沿线国家和地区的新兴热点社会经济问题;同时,关注数量经济学理论与方法的最新进展及其在经济、金融各领域的应用,以及“共同富裕与经济高质量发展”为主题的重大学术热点。会议致力于为从事数量经济学各领域研究的专家学者,提供高水平国际学术交流平台,会议期间将特邀多位海内外知名学者举办国际前沿学术报告。会议征文选题包括但不限于:数量经济理论与方法、“一带一路”经济合作、共同富裕与经济高质量发展等。

本次会议得到了《数量经济技术经济研究》、《经济评论》、《数量经济研究》、European Journal of Finance等中英文学术期刊的大力支持。会务组将组织专家对征集的论文进行分类评选,择优入选会议论文。欢迎海内外学者踊跃投稿参会。




会议论文投稿采用邮箱投稿方式。投稿邮箱为sljj@jlu.edu.cn。截止日期为2024年5月28日。投稿格式:投稿论文请使用PDF格式(中英文均可);邮件发送主题请以“2024年会+作者姓名”方式命名(英文稿件以"2024 Conference + Author’s Name"命名);请将作者姓名、单位、职称、联系电话、通讯地址、电邮地址等信息置于论文首页。投稿论文经专家匿名评审后,于2024年6月5日至10日期间陆续向所有入选论文的通讯作者发送会议邀请函,英文投稿论文将及时评审,于2024年6月10日前尽早发送会议邀请函,以便作者办理相关参会手续。














European Journal of Finance

The Thirteenth International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2024

The Thirteenth International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2024 is scheduled to be held from July 12 to 14, 2024 in Shanghai, China. The symposium will be structured around the theme of "Economic Cooperation and Development along the Belt and Road", focusing on new phenomena, new problems, new mechanisms and new models, and discussing emerging hot economic issues in countries and regions along the Belt and Road. At the same time, the symposium will follow the latest frontier theories and methods of quantitative economics and their applications in economics and finance, as well as the major academic hot topics with the theme of "Common Prosperity and High-Quality Economic Development". The symposium creates a high-level academic platform for global economics and finance scholars. In the symposium, distinguished domestic and overseas scholars will be invited to chair international frontier academic forums. The topics of the symposium include but are not limited to: theories and methods of quantitative economics, economic cooperation along the Belt and Road, and common prosperity and high-quality economic development.

The symposium received strong support from reputable journals including Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics, Economic Review, The Journal of Quantitative Economics, and European Journal of Finance. The organizer will organize experts to classify and review the submitted papers and elect the best ones as the conference papers. Welcome your contributions and your participations.


Call for Papers

Welcome to submit unpublished papers to our conference through email: sljj@jlu.edu.cn. Please use PDF format (either in English or Chinese). The subject of the email is supposed to be named as "2024 Conference + Author’s Name". Please be sure to include the following information in first page of your manuscript: author's name, organization, job title, contact number, mailing address, email address.

Submission Due: May 28, 2024.

Feedback: We will send the conference invitation letters to all the corresponding authors of the selected papers during June 5 to 10, 2024. Papers in English will be reviewed in time, and the invitation letter will be sent as soon as possible before June 10, 2024, so that authors can go through relevant procedures for attending the conference.


Contact Information

Tel: 0431-85166059

E-mail: sljj@jlu.edu.cn



The Center for Quantitative Economics of Jilin University (School of Business and Management, Jilin University)

School of Economics and Management, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law


Co-sponsored journals

Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics

Economic Review

The Journal of Quantitative Economics

European Journal of Finance



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