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学术报告(20160328)Quantum entanglement and geometry

报告题目: Quantum entanglement and geometry
报告人: 黄星
报告人单位: 东七楼,四楼427会议室
报告时间: 3月28日下午19:30
报告地点: 台湾国立台湾师范大学从事博士后研究工作
邀请人单位: 粒子与天体物理研究所
It has long been conjectured that spacetime geometry should emerge from the entanglement of the underlying quantum theory. In the framework of AdS/CFT correspondence quantum gravity has a tractable dual description in terms of of CFT and the connection between geometry and entanglement manifests through the Ryu-Takayanagi (RT) formula. We believe the mathematical tool of integral geometry can push us beyond the border set by the RT-formula. We extended earlier construction to higher dimensions and general bulk spaces. The volume form of the kinematic space can be understood as a new measure (which is dubbed entanglement contour) of two-point correlation on the boundary. We also found that the renormalization of the entanglement contour fits nicely with other bulk constructions based on multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) or tensor networks. This is only the first step of our larger program and I will briefly talk about the work in progress. Using Radon transform, we are able to extract the information of bulk operator from conformal blocks. This may shed some lights on understanding bulk locality. One of the other goals is to probe the interior of a black hole using the correlation across the horizon. In addition we have a side project studying the ambiguities in defining entanglement entropy and how this might have affect on the geometry side.

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