标 题:
高红移星系巡天 – 大视场多光纤望远镜的若干科学突破 (
High-redshift Galaxy Survey – The Frontier science topics that can be achieved by multiplex spectroscopic telescope)
时 间:2019 年 10 月 31 日 9 : 00-10 : 30
地 点:新光电大楼 C112
报告人:蔡 峥 研究员 (清华大学)
邀请人:马冬林 副研究员
In this talk, I will present our survey of the most massive overdensities (progenitors of Coma cluster) in the peak of cosmic star formation and QSO activities (z=2--4). I will present our discovery of a sample of extremely massive overdensies at z~2.3 by utilizing Subaru/HSC, Keck, CFHT and ALMA. The galaxy properties in these overdensities reflect the emergence of the environmental dependence of galaxy property. I will further discuss the discovery of enormous Lyman alpha nebulae in these extremely overdense fields at high redshift. These site are unique laboratories to study the preliminary intracluster medium properties and the IGM-galaxy interactions. Moreover, I will present our new observations of Lyman alpha nebulae using Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI). In the end, I will talk about the future prospects of how greatly improve our understanding of the structure formation in the next decade with LSST, CMB-S4 and a potentially new opportunity of a planned 6.5m spectroscopic telescope.
蔡峥,2015年获得美国亚利桑那大学天体物理学博士学位,2015年—2019年在美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校从事博士后研究,获美国太空总署 (NASA) “哈勃学者” (Hubble Fellow) 称号。2019年任清华大学天文系研究员,准聘教授(tenure track)共发表论文30余篇,担任《Nature》正刊等杂志审稿人。他发现宇宙早期大尺度结构以及发现宇宙早期最亮的星云,被美国CNN,英国BBC等主流媒体报道。蔡峥领导(PI)的多项研究入选哈勃太空望远镜、以及地面最大望远镜的观测计划。他也参与新的望远镜与探测仪器研发,如国际三十米望远镜(TMT)首光仪器—宽视场光谱仪(WFOS)。