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2017 Fabry–Perot cavity locking with phase-locked frequency-synthesized light

作者: 来源: 发布时间:2017年11月06日 14:47 点击次数:[]

1 MOE Key Laboratory of Fundamental Physical Quantities Measurement, School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan 430074, China
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China
*Corresponding author: fengsf2a@yahoo.com
Received 21 October 2016; revised 23 December 2016; accepted 7 January 2017; posted 9 January 2017 (Doc. ID 279263);
published 6 February 2017

We propose to use frequency-synthesized light for Fabry–Perot cavity locking. The scheme allows arbitrary control of the amplitudes and phases of the modulation sidebands relative to the carrier. In comparison with phasemodulated light, use of frequency-synthesized light provides an artful way to suppress laser instability arising from intracavity relative intensity fluctuation and residual amplitude modulation (RAM) of light and, thereby, may considerably facilitate laser frequency stabilization at an unprecedented level. We experimentally demonstrate the scheme with RAM fluctuation between 0.3 and 100 mHz reduced by two orders of magnitude and being 10 dB below the RAM noise of a phase-modulated light, when a simple RAM servo is activated.
