Big Stories

Nobel laureate in physics Didier Queloz visits HUST

Dec 18, 2024

On November 30, Prof. Didier Queloz, 2019 Nobel laureate in physics and professor at Cambridge University and Geneva University, visited HUST. At the National Precise Gravity Measurement Facility (PGMF), he delivered a lecture titled The exoplanet revolution and the consequences for life in the universe to more than 500 teachers and students.






In the lecture, Prof. Queloz introduced the principles and the development of exoplanet detection, especially the discovery of the first exoplanet. He also envisioned the future research directions in astronomy and proposed that with the continuous progress in detection methods, humans could discover more Earth-like planets and conduct in-depth explorations into life in the universe.



Following the lecture, Prof. Queloz engaged in a discussion with representatives from the School of Physics, providing detailed explanations about scientific spirit, exoplanets, interstellar travel, AI and so on. He encouraged young people to actively involve themselves in scientific research, explore life and to probe into the mysteries of the universe.




Written by: Gu Yuxiao

Edited by: Yang Kunjie, Chang Wen, Peng Yumeng

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