School of Engineering Sciences (Network of International Centers for Education) Newsletter (Vol. 1)
Admin. Office of SES, Huazhong University of Sci.& Tech. April 9, 2016
华中科技大学工程科学学院办公室 2016年4月9日
Meeting Held Planning Five Working Priorities of SES
On Apr.1, 2016, Dean Juergen Kurths chaired a working meeting, discussing five topics: buildinginternational curriculum teams, developing international exchange programs, students’ enrollment, long-term foreign faculty recruitment and the Internet publicity.
The meeting has reached conclusions as follow. First, SES will continue constructing qualified teams of the 20 international courses, so as to set an international benchmark for inter-disciplinary curriculum. Second, the school will develop international exchange programs by cooperating with universities in the U.S., Canada, Germany, Hong Kong etc. Third, SES should recruit students with good foundation in English and potential in further learning through the college entrance examination. Fourth, SES will recruit high-level long-term teaching faculties as well as post-doctral students, by utilizing the Thousand Talents Plan. Finally, the school will promote publicity in the English web site and English Newsletter etc.
◆教育部高教司张爱龙副巡视员参观访问光电国家实验室和工程科学学院 2015年9月19日,教育部高教司副巡视员张爱龙到访光电国家实验室和工程科学学院实验室,了解国家实验室近年来的科研成果、所获国家科技奖励情况以及国际化示范学院建设情况。
◆Deputy inspector Zhang Ailong of Higher Education Department, MOE visits WNLO On Sep. 19, 2015, deputy inspector Zhang Ailong of Higher Education Department of MOE visited WNLO and SES. He made a field trip, and listened to reports about the latest development and achievements in WNLO scientific research, and about SES construction.
图1 段献忠副校长、骆清铭副校长向张爱龙副巡视员介绍国际示范化学院建设情况
Deputy President Duan Xian-zhong and Luo Qing-ming with Deputy Inspector Zhang Ailong at WNLO
◆Jürgen Kurths教授履新工程科学学院院长 2015年12月6日,工程科学学院院长Jürgen Kurths教授正式到岗履新,将积极推进学院的国际化进程。 Jürgen Kurths是外专计划入选者、德国洪堡大学教授、欧洲科学院院士,曾担任德国Potsdam大学副校长(分管科研)、德国-巴西国际跨学科研究生院院长。
◆Professor Jürgen Kurths Assumes Office: Dean Jürgen Kurths, from the Humboldt University, took office on Dec. 6, 2015, and he will actively promote SES construction. Dr. Jürgen Kurths is included in the Thousand Foreign Talents Plan, and he is member of the European Academy of Sciences. Besides, he has served as vice president, in charge of research, of Potsdam University and Germany-Brazil International Interdisciplinary Graduate School.
图2 Jürgen Kurths履新国际示范化学院
Dean Jürgen Kurths in his office
◆麦克马斯特大学Kon Max Wong教授来院讲学 2015年10月16日,加拿大麦克马斯特大学教授、加拿大皇家学会和工程院双院士Kon Max Wong教授前来我院讲学。据悉,Wong教授受聘为我院授课外籍教师,为工程科学2014级学子讲授新开国际化课程《线性电路理论与实验》,并举行了《统计信号处理与应用——欧基里德到黎曼》专题讲座。
◆Prof. Kon Max Wong from McMaster University Lectures at SES: Prof. Kon Max Wong from McMaster University arrived on Oct. 16, 2015 to give lectures in the newly opened international course Linear Circuit Theory and Experiments for SES student Prof. Wong is a member of Royal Society and the Academy of Engineering, Canada. Also, he gave a Lecture titled Statistical Signal Processing -from Euclid to Riemann to all HUST students.
图3 Kon Max Wong教授给工程科学学院2014级学生授课
Prof. Wong lecturing SES students
◆加拿大皇家科学院院士John L. Brash教授与我院学生交流 2015年10月15日,John L. Brash教授与工程科学学院1401班全体同学进行了面对面交流,介绍了生物材料相关知识、加拿大风貌和大学学习模式。教学执行委员会主任李洵教授主持了有关活动。
◆Member of Royal Society of Canada John L. Brash met SES Students: On Oct. 15, 2015, Professor John L. Brash, member of Royal Society of Canada made face-to-face communication with SES students. He introduced his research in biomaterials, an teaching-and-learning mode in Canadian universities. Professor Li Xun, director of the Teacjomg Executive Committee, hosted the meeting.
图4 John L. Brash教授与我院学生交流
Prof. Brash communicates with students
◆好奇与善问,创造无限可能:商务交际专家Paul Wright教授与2015级同学交流 2015年10月26日,华中科技大学外国语学院客座教授Paul Wright与工程科学学院2015级同学开展了主题交流会,勉励同学们勤问多问,不断探索充满未知,追寻科学发现和科技进步。
◆Questions and Curiosity: Creating a Life of Possibilities: On Oct. 26, 2015, Professor Paul Wright, Guest Professor of Foreign Languages School and a Business Communication expert delivered a lecture on Questions and Curiosity: Creating a Life of Possibilities. He encouraged the students to ask questions, to explore the unknown, and pursue scientific discovery and technological progress.
图5 Paul教授与同学们交流
Prof. Wright in discussion with SES Students
◆戴顿大学Banerjee教授等到访工程科学学院 2015年11月10日,美国戴顿大学Partha P. Banerjee、Joseph W. Haus和邓聪教授一行来工程科学学院(国际化示范学院)就开展国际化课程教学、学生和师资交流等进行交流,并由Banerjee教授和Haus教授分别为全体学子做了两场精彩讲座。Banerjee教授介绍了“数字全息及超材料的最新研究进展”,Haus教授作了题为“在纳米等离子体系统中,通过非线性光学现象揭示量子隧穿效应”的讲座。
◆Prof. Banerjee et al.from Dayton University Visited SES: On Nov.10, 2015, Professor Partha P. Banerjee, Joseph W. Haus and Deng Cong from University of Dayton visited SES. They met head of SES and directors of WNLO, and discussed about international curriculum development, exchange of students and faculty etc. Professor Banerjee delivered a lecture on Recent Advances in Digital Holography and Metamaterials, and Professor Haus gave a lecture on Exposing Quantum Tunneling Effects via Optical Nonlinear Phenomena in Nanoplasmonic Systems for all HUST students.
图6 Banerjee教授和Haus教授分别为工程学院学子做报告
Prof. Banerjee and Haus Give Lectures
◆美国奥克拉荷马中央大学陈伟教授到访学院 2015年11月26日-28日,美国奥克拉荷马中央大学Prof. Wei R. Chen来院交流,指导科研和教学工作。双方就学院的培养计划、课程建设、教师职责,以及ABET认证程序等方面进行了交流讨论。Prof. Chen是美国工程技术认证委员会(ABET)董事会候补董事,因在高等教育中获得巨大成就,荣获2008年度“美国年度教授”殊荣。
◆ Prof. Chen Wei from Oklahoma Central University Visits SES: Prof. Chen Wei from Oklahoma Central University Visited SES from Nov. 26-28, 2015. He made in-depth discussions with the SES administration team about curriculum design, course construction, faculty responsibilities and ABET accreditation. Prof. Chen is the alternate director of ABET, and was awarded US Professor of the Year in 2008.
图7 Prof. Wei R. Chen(左二)来院交流并指导工作
Prof. Chen discusses with SES Faculty
◆网络时代亦可诗意栖居—李培根院士为学院2015级新生讲座 2015年11月30日,原华中科技大学校长李培根院士为工程科学学院2015级学子带来了精彩讲座。围绕“‘互联网+’助人‘诗意地栖居’”,李院士给同学们带来了一场科技与人文之美相互交融的知识盛宴。
◆CAE Member Li Peigen Gives Lecture to SES students: On November 30, 2015, Prof. LI Peigen, former president of HUST, gave a lecture titled “Internet Plus Makes Better Life to the newly enrolled 2015 class. Around the topic of Prof. Li illustrated how Internet Plus can help improve people’s life, providing a knowledge fusion of technology and humanities.
图 8 “根叔”李培根院士为学院学子讲座
Invited lecture by Prof. Li Peigen
☆ 师生风采
◆工程科学学院举行英语能力培养模式宣讲 2015年9月28日,工程科学学院为2015级新生举行英语能力培养模式宣讲,以帮助同学们提升学术英语技能,适应英语授课环境。
◆Information Session about English Ability Cultivation Held : On September 28, 2015, SES held an information session introducing programs designed to improve student’s English ability for the 2015 freshmen. The purpose of this session is to help students adapt to English learning atmosphere and understand significance of improving academic English skills.
◆工程科学学院召开团学联第一次全体会议并进行主席团选举 2015年9月17日,工程科学学院团学联(SES SU)第一次会议暨主席团选举大会举行,鲁乘长风、葛畅、李昀阳进入首届团学联主席团,他们表示将加强年级之间的传承与创新,加强与其他学院优秀学生组织的学习交流,并利用本学院和国家实验室的资源服务好同学。
◆1st Presidium of Student Union Elected
On September 17, 2015, SES Student Union (SES SU) held its first plenary session and elected its presidium. Lu C., Ge Chang and LI Yunyang are elected as presidium members. They promised to strengthen the heritage and innovation between grades, to enhance communication with peer students unions, and to serve schoolmates by utilizing SES and WNLO resources.
◆博学笃行,工程科学学院举行“国奖”申报答辩 2015年9月25日,工程科学学院2014—2015学年度国家奖学金国家励志奖学金申报答辩举行。经过现场答辩、集体讨论、打分评定等环节,骆依林同学获得本年度国家奖学金,许阳和刘思锴同学获评国家励志奖学金。
◆National Scholarship and National Endeavor Fellowship Application Defense Held
On September 25, 2015, SES held the 2014-2015 National Scholarship and National Endeavor Fellowship application defense. After oral defense, group discussion, rating and evaluating, LUO Yilin was awarded the National Scholarship, XU Yang and LIU Sikai won the National Endeavor Fellowship.
◆兴趣、创新、实用:工程科学学院举行新生专业认知实习第一课暨第10期“名师讲坛” 2015年10月9日,工程科学学院2015级新生举行了专业认知实习讲座,并聆听了由“青年”、2015级新生班主任国伟华教授主讲的“光电子器件研究以及诺贝尔物理学奖对我们的影响”讲座。国教授勉励同学在大学学习中要保持“兴趣”、“创新”、“实用”。
◆‘Interest, Innovation, Practicability’-- Invited Lecture Opens 2015 Cognitive Introductions
On October 9, 2015, Prof. GUO Weihua delivered a lecture on Influence of Optoelectronic Devices and Nobel Prize in Physics to 2015 fresh-students, and opened the annual cognitive introductions. Prof. GUO Weihua is recruited in the Youth One-thousand Talents Plan and he is the 2015 class mentor. He encouraged students to keep ‘interest, innovation and practicability’ in their academic career.
◆工程科学学院开展优秀学生交流会活动 2015年10月29日, 工程科学学院团学联学术部在武汉光电国家实验室A302举办了优秀学生交流会,由2014级的周雷、刘思锴、许阳和骆依林到等四位优秀同学给15级新生分享交流经验。杨海斌副院长出席了活动,他指出:优秀学生的学习经验、生活工作体会的分享较完整地告诉了大家“为何忙、忙什么、如何忙”,学院培养特色鲜明,希望同学们“早动员,早准备”,努力前行。
◆Experience Sharing of 2014 top Students
On October 29, 2015, the Academic Department of SES Student Union organized an experience sharing meeting by four outstanding sophomores: ZHOU Lei, LIU Sikai, XU Yang and LUO Yilin shared their learning experiences with the 2015 freshmen. YANG Haibin, the deputy dean, concluded that, “the top students’ experience told us ‘why are they busy’,’ What are they busy for’ and ‘How to manage busy’. SES expects students getting prepared and taking action in advance.”
◆我院工程科学201401班获评校优良学风班 (2015年11月12日讯)在华中科技大学刚刚公布的2014-2015学年度校级荣誉获评名单中,我院工程科学201401班以91%的成绩合格率、100%的英语四级通过率(其中优秀率高达53%)以及良好的班级氛围和凝聚力获评“校优良学风班”荣誉称号,同时该班许阳、骆依林获“校三好学生”荣誉称号,张睿哲、鲁乘长风获“校优秀学生干部”荣誉称号。
◆SES Class 201401 Awarded ‘Class of Honor’ of HUST’
(November 12, 2015) In the HUST published 2014-2015 University awards list, SES Class 201401 was entitled ‘Class of Honor of HUST’, for pass- rate 91% in academic courses, pass-rate 100% in CET-4 (excellent-rate 53%), and good learning atmosphere. In addition, XU Yang and LUO Yilin of the class received the honorary title of ‘HUST Merit Student’; ZHANG Ruizhe and LU C. ‘HUST Excellent Student Leader’.
◆工程学院学子参加光电国家实验室“最强大脑”竞赛活动 2015年11月22日,工程科学学院许阳、骆依林和王升三位同学参加了光电国家实验室首届“最强大脑”知识竞赛活动,我院代表队在知识竞赛中表现优异,以满分进入最终决赛。
◆SES Students Participates in WNLO ‘Super Brain’ Contest
On November 22, 2015, SES students XU Yang, LUO Yilin and WANG Sheng took part in the first WNLO ‘Super Brain’ knowledge contest. SES delegation entered the final with full marks.
◆我院学子赴美国顶尖高校进行交流学习 2016年寒假期间,华中科技大学工程科学学院8位学子受资助赴美分组参加了加州大学伯克利分校冬季项目(UCB Winter School)和华盛顿大学短期英语项目(STEP)学习。通过为期三周的交流,他们感受了名校风采,体验了中美文化差异,坚定了“志存高远、脚踏实地”的理想信念。据介绍,国际化示范学院今后将继续加强与国外知名高校的交流访问,并将逐步扩大到学分互认、交换生等项目。
◆SES Students Participated Winter Schools in US Universities
In 2016 Winter Vacation, three first-year students and five sophomores, sponsored by the School of Engineering Sciences (SES), went to the United States to participate in two three-week academic programs. The students, divided into two groups, attended University of California Berkeley (UCB) Winter School in San Francisco, California and the Language & Culture STEP (Short Term English Program) in University of Washington (UW) in Seattle, Washington, respectively. They experienced academic life in top universities and Sino-US cultural differences, and further firmed their brief that “ Aim high, down to earth.” The School of Engineering Science will continue sponsoring students to both short-term and long-term exchange programs in first-class universities.
图9 工程科学学院学生在UCB交流学习
SES students studied in class discussion at UCB
☆ 兄弟单位动态Peer institutions news
◆南京大学成立国际化示范学院 首批聘5名美国院士 南报网2015年12月11日讯:南京大学国际化示范学院今天揭牌,该学院计划5年后70%到80%的学生可以出国留学,而非中国学生人数将达到10%,学院还将首批聘请5名美国院士成立外籍专家团队。
◆Nanjing University established College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, authorized as the Network of International Centers for Education. The college will first engage 5 American academicians.
December 11, 2015 / www.njdaily.cn /-- College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University is inaugurated today. The college plans to send 70%-80% students abroad and recruit 10% non-Chinese students after 5 years. In addition, the college will set up a foreign experts’ team by engaging 5 American academicians.
Prof. LU Yanqing of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Nanjing University (NU) says that, the college is the youngest college and the highest density for foreign talents introduction at NU. The college employs 25 talents who recruited in the Youth One-thousand Talents Programs, foreign teachers, foreign administration team and advisory team. “We attract non-Chinese youth talents with international version by this way, then the college could have ‘good genes’.” He introduced that, after the establishment of this college, the foreign experts’ team would be set up by engaging 5 American academicians. The college will enrich the international advisory team in the next stage, which could promote the college’s administration and education.
◆同济大学设计创意学院举行“高校国际化示范学院推进计划试点单位”揭牌仪式 2015年10月21日,同济大学设计创意学院举行“高校国际化示范学院推进计划试点单位”揭牌仪式。同济大学副校长江波表示,国际化是推进教育综合改革的重要抓手,希望设计创意学院能够通过引进高端外专以及先进的教学运行和管理模式,培养国家急需的顶尖设计人才,发挥好示范推广作用。设计创意学院院长娄永琪表示,学院将依托“推进计划”深化系统引智,拓宽国际合作,建设优质的教学科研环境,提升人才培养质量,在理念、制度、管理和学术水平上迈向国际一流。
◆College Of Design and Innovation at Tongji University held the inauguration for “the Network of International Centers for Education pilot units”
On October 21, 2015, College Of Design and Innovation at Tongji University held the inauguration for “the Network of International Centers for Education pilot units”. JIANG Bo, deputy dean of Tongji University said that, internationalization is an important point to improve the education reform. He expects the college could educate top designers which are in urgent needed in China, and paly a demonstration role by introducing high-level foreign experts, advanced teaching operation and administration mode. LOU Yongqi, the dean of the College Of Design and Innovation indicated that, affiliated with ‘the Network of International Centers for Education’, the college will improve the talents introduction system, expand the international cooperation, establish the high-quality teaching and research environment, enhance the quality of talent education, and aim to the first-class colleges in concept, regulation, administration and academic level.
◆北大工学院国际化示范学院揭牌 2015年10月18日,北京大学工学院迎来建院十周年,工学院“国际化示范学院”同日揭牌。国家外国专家局副局长夏鸣九介绍,2014年外专局和教育部联合推出高校国际化示范学院推进计划,支持二级学院在管理体制、运行模式等方面进行综合改革试点。希望北大工学院作为高校国际化示范学院,打造既符合国际惯例又有中国特色的学院样板。
◆The College of engineering at Peking University held the inauguration
On October 18, 2015, the College of engineering at Peking University celebrated the 10th anniversary of its founding, the College of engineering as the Network of International Centers for Education was inaugurated at the same day. XIA Mingjiu, the deputy administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs introduced that, the Network of International Centers for Education Initiated by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Ministry of Education in 2014. The program supports the secondary colleges conduct comprehensive pilot projects for reforming management system, operational mode and so on. He expected the College of engineering as the Network of International Centers for Education could be built as a model, which conforms to both international practice and Chinese characteristics.
◆ 工程国际化示范学院与武汉理工大学材料科学揭牌 2015年12月30日,武汉理工大学材料科学与工程国际化示范学院揭牌暨聘任仪式举行,校长张清杰,学校职能部门及相关单位负责人参加。张清杰校长要求,相关部门以创新的精神,齐心协力,为示范学院的建设和发展做好服务保障工作,促进学生健康茁壮成长,促进创新人才培养。示范学院执行院长刘韩星表示,学院将以建设国际一流材料科学与工程学科、培养拔尖创新人才为目标,不断探索新的培养模式,重点推进教师团队的建设并加强国际交流合作,使之成为学校向世界高水平大学迈进的脊梁。
◆The School of Materials Science and Engineering at Wuhan University of Technology held the inauguration
On December 30, 2015, the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Wuhan University of Technology held the inauguration and appointment ceremony. ZHANG Qingjie, the president of Wuhan University of Technology (WUT), leaders in function departments and relevant units attend the ceremony. The president ZHANG Qingjie claimed that, in order to promote students’ healthy thrive and creative talents’ education, the related departments should be equipped with the spirit of innovation, providing good service and strong support in college’s establishment and development. LIU Hanxing, the executive dean of the School of Materials Science and Engineering said that, with the goal of constructing the world-leading discipline of Materials Science and Engineering and educating innovative elites, the school would continuously explore the educating mode, promote the teacher-team’s building, and strengthen the international cooperation, to become the backbone of WUT striding towards the world-class university.
学院地址:华中科技大学工程科学学院 主编:徐书华、胡泊
学院网址:/hust/mu_ses/ 联系电话:027-87792225
Add: School of Engineering Sciences, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, P.R.China, 430074
Web: /hust/mu_ses/
Editor: XU Shuhua, HU Po
Tel: +86-27-87792225