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徐伟教授即将在ICIT 2022国际会议作大会讲座 — High Performance Linear Induction Machines and Drive Systems

发布时间:2022-07-01 11:09:50阅读次数: 分享到:

受第23届国际工业技术大会IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology(ICIT 2022)组委会邀请,课题组徐伟教授将于2022年8月22-25日期间做2.5小时大会讲座(Tutorial):High Performance Linear Induction Machines and Drive Systems。本次讲座将系统性地介绍徐伟教授团队在直线电机及驱动系统领域的最新进展。



The main subject of the tutorial is linear induction motors (LIMs). Starting from a brief structural description of such motors, their main applications will be exposed in the tutorial with specific reference to MAGLEV (Magnetically Levitation) vehicles, urban people movers (such as linear metro, light railway, etc.), launchers, actuators for industry and automotive, etc. As a first step, the main differences between rotating and linear induction motors will be highlighted, focusing on the aspects of static and dynamic end effects as well as transversal edge effects. The typical structure of LIMs will be treated, with specific reference to secondary sheet and primary winding configurations.

Single-sided LIMs (S-LIMs) and Double-sided ones (D-LIMs) will be described in detail, focusing on normal force effects. Design criteria of LIMs will be specifically exposed, emphasizing the main differences with the classic rotating induction motor design, caused by the presence of large air-gaps, high leakage inductances as well as the end effects. Both static and dynamic models of LIMs will be introduced, including the so-called end-effects, magnetic saturation, non-linear traits influenced by PWM modulation, and so on. Suitable parameter estimation methods will be then described. Afterwards, control techniques specifically devised for LIMs, like field-oriented control, input-output feedback linearization control, active disturbance rejection control, model predictive control, efficiency optimization control, etc., will be introduced in detail. Finally, sensorless techniques with strong robustness capability specifically developed for LIMs will be shown.


Outline schedule of delivery (headings) and expected duration (Totally 2.5 hours)

Introduction on Linear Motors (LMs)

History and categories of LMs

10 minutes

Potential applications of LMs

15 minutes

Design of LIMs

Key points/characteristics of LIMs

15 minutes

Equivalent circuits of LIMs

10 minutes

Design and performance of LIMs

10 minutes

Several LIM prototypes

15 minutes

Parameter Estimation of LIMs   10 minutes

Control Techniques for LIMs

Loss minimization control

20 minutes

Model predictive control

20 minutes

Sensorless Techniques for LIMs

Challenge and opportunity

5 minutes

Model reference adaptive system

5 minutes

Full-order Luenberger observer

5 minutes

Robust Kalman filter

5 minutes

Conclusions   5 minutes

Click here to download the tutorial agenda.

Bio of the organizers

Prof. Wei Xu received the double B.E. degree from Tianjin University (TJU), China, in July 2002, and M.E. degree from TJU in March 2005, and the Ph.D. degree from Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEECAS), in July 2008, respectively, all in electrical engineering. His research interests His research topics mainly focus on electromagnetic design and control algorithm of linear machines and drive systems.

From 2008 to 2012, he made Postdoctoral Fellow with University of Technology Sydney, Vice Chancellor Research Fellow with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Japan Science Promotion Society Invitation Fellow with Meiji University, respectively. Since 2013, he has been Full Professor with State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.

Prof. Xu has been one IEEE Senior Member since 2013, and one Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) since 2018. Since 2014, Prof. Xu has been invited to make more than ten-time Keynote Speaking in International Conferences. Meanwhile, as one Guest Editor, Prof. Xu has been invited to organize more than ten-time Special Issues in peer review high-quality Journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. As the principle speaker, he has been invited to given five-time Tutorial about Linear Machines and Drive Systems in IEEE leading conferences, including IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON, Oct. 2018), IEEE International Conference Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS, Aug. 2018), International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM, Aug. 2020), respectively.

Prof. Xu served the General Chair for 2021 International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA 2021) in Wuhan, China, and will serve the General Chair for 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE 2023) in Wuhan, China. He has been the Founding Chair for IEEE IES Wuhan Chapter since 2018. He has also been the International Steering Committee (ISC) Member for linear machines and drives. Meanwhile, Prof. Xu has been Associate Editor for several leading IEEE Transactions Journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, and so on.

Prof. Xu is now leading one research group, Center for Energy Conversion System (CECS, /hust/mu_seee/mu_machinececs/), including 6 staff and over 40 PhD/ME students, for the development on high performance of electrical machines (particularly linear machines) and drive systems based on transportation, wind generation, servo, etc. He has more than 110 papers accepted or published in IEEE Journals, two edited books published by Springer Press, one monograph published by China Machine Press, and more than 150 Invention Patents granted or in pending, all in the related fields of electrical machines and drives.

The purpose of the IEEE ICIT international conference is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of emerging industrial technology. Also, it serves as a conduit for channeling advanced technology to industry. It brings together researchers, from industry and academia, active in industrial technological fields to discuss current developments and future perspectives.

Visit the following link for more information about the conference: https://2022.ieee-icit.org/.

地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号 邮箱:weixu@hust.edu.cn 传真:18672395238  联系人: 徐伟      