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讲座通知:“携手电气精英,与未来同行”系列讲座第 393期

发布时间:2020-11-21 17:10:16阅读次数: 分享到:

IEEE IES 武汉分会 2020 年学术活动系列

主讲人:Ayman M. El-Refaie教授

IEEE Fellow、IEEE IAS执委会委员、2019 Nagamori Award获得者


Ayman M.El-Refaie教授分别于2002年和2005年获得美国威斯康星麦迪逊大学硕士和博士学位,2005年至2016年任通用电气全球研发中心电机与驱动实验室主任工程师和项目负责人,2017年1月至今任美国Marquette大学Werner讲席教授。已发表期刊和会议论文150余篇(其中获奖论文2篇),并拥有美国专利47项。El-Refaie教授是IEEE IAS历史上最年轻Fellow,SigmaXi会员,曾担任IEEE IAS交通系统委员会主席和电机委员会副编辑、ECCE 2011技术委员会主席、ECCE 2014大会主席和ECCE 2015指导委员会主席以及IEMDC 2019大会主席,目前担任IEEE IAS执委会委员。El-Refaie教授为2019 Nagamori Award获得者。

讲座时间:11月26日9:30— 11:00

讲座名称:具有可持续发展潜力的电机及驱动系统 —能量转换技术的复兴及变革

Energy Conversion for a Sustainable Future - Revived Role of Power and Energy

能源可持续性是可持续发展的关键挑战之一。随着煤炭、石油和天然气等传统能源的未来稀缺 性和开采难度的增大,以及化石燃料有害性的增加,使得能源开发的重心正转向可持续的清洁能源。在过去的几十年里,人们一直在努力用电气系统取代机械和液压系统,并采用更高性能的变速电气 驱动取代老式的恒速驱动。这主要是由于电气系统具有较高的可靠性、效率和鲁棒性。这种“多电 气化”系统趋势体现在广泛的应用领域中,包括牵引、航空航天、驱动、采矿、石油和天然气以及 其他工业应用等。电气化的核心是发展先进的电机和驱动器。本报告将概述各种典型的电气化应用, 重点介绍已开发或正在开发的电机和驱动器,还将介绍电机的发展趋势和潜在的研究领域。

Energy sustainability is arguably one of the most critical challenges for a sustainable future. With predictions showing future scarcity and/or higher degree of extraction difficulty of traditional sources of energy for example coal, oil and natural gas, the shift to sustainable clean sources of energy is a must. Another key reason is the increasing detrimental impact of using fossil fuels. Over the last few decades, there has been serious effort to replace mechanical and hydraulic systems with electrical systems. This effort also includes replacing fixed-speed and old electrical drives with higher performance variable-speed drives. This is mainly due to the higher reliability, efficiency and robustness of electrical systems. This trend of“more electric”systems could be seen across a wide range of applications. These include traction, aerospace, actuation, mining, oil & gas, and industrial applications as examples. At the heart of the electrification effort is the development of advanced electrical machines and drives. This presentation will provide an overview of the various applications where electrification is taking place. The presentation will focus on electrical machines and drives that have been developed or are currently under development. The presentation will also cover some general trends in electrical machines and potential areas of research.

讲座方式: 钉钉会议(ID:476 721 65615)




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