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徐伟教授应邀将在2017年国际大会IECON上 做三小时会议讲座(Tutorial)

发布时间:2017-09-04 10:59:01阅读次数: 分享到:

    43届国际工业电子年会(IECON 2017)将于20171029日-111日在北京召开http://iecon2017.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1。华中科技大学能量转换系统研究组(CECS, 徐伟教授受IECON大会邀请,将和意大利Marcello Pucci博士,罗马尼亚Ion Boldea教授一起组织1个Special Session和1次3小时大会讲座(Tutorial),具体内容如下:


    Special Session


    High Performance Linear Machines and Drive Systems

    (Co-Chairs: WeiXu, Marcello Pucci, Ion Boldea)



    Tutorial3 hours



    Title:Design, Modelling and Control of Linear Induction Motors (LIM) for Industrial Applications


    Presenter:Wei Xu, Marcello Pucci, and Ion Boldea

    Schedule:8.30am - 12.30pm,Sunday,29October 2017



    The main subject of the tutorial are linear induction motors (LIMs). Starting from a brief structural description of suchmotors, their main applications will be exposed in the tutorial with specific reference to MAGLEV (Magnetically Levitation) vehicles, urban people movers (such as linear metro, light railway, etc), X-Y planar motion industrial platforms, launchers, actuators for industry and automotive. As a first step,the main differences between rotating and linear induction motors will behighlighted, focusing on the aspects of static and dynamic end effects as wellas transversal edge effects. The typical structure of LIMs will be treated, with specific reference to secondary sheet and primary winding configurations. Single-sided LIMs (S-LIMs) and Double-sided ones (D-LIMs) will be described indetails, focusing on normal force effects. Design criteria of LIMs will be specifically exposed, emphasizing the main differences with the classicrotating induction motor design, caused by the presence of large air-gaps, highleakage inductances as well as the end effects. Both static and dynamic models of LIMs will be introduced, including the so called end-effects, magnetic saturation, non-linear traits influenced by PWM modulation, and so on. Suitable parameter estimation methods will be then described. Afterwards, control techniques specifically devised for LIMs, like field oriented control, input-output feedback linearization control, active disturbance rejection control, model predictive control, efficiency optimization control, etc., will be introduced in details. Finally, sensorless techniques with strong robustness capability specifically developed for LIMs will be shown.


    Tutor Biographies



    Prof. Wei Xu received the double B.E. degree from Tianjin University (TJU), China, inJuly 2002, and M.E. degree from TJU in March 2005, and the Ph.D. degree fromInstitute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEECAS), inJuly 2008, respectively, all in electrical engineering. From 2008 to 2013, he held several academic positions in both Australian and Japanese Universitiesand Companies. Since 2013, he has been appointed as Full Professor with Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China. Now he is leading one research group, Center for Energy Conversion System (CECS), including 3 staff and almost 30 PhD/ME students, for the development on high performance ofelectrical machines (particularly linear machines) and drive systems based ontransportation (electrical vehicle, urban railway, etc.), windgeneration, servo, and so on. In the aforementioned field, Prof. Xu hasaccepted or published about 200 technique papers (more than 60 International Journal papers), held 50 granted or pending patents, edited 2 books incooperation with Springer Press (one published in 2016, another in 2018).

    Prof. Xu is one IEEE Senior Member (2013), CPSS Senior Member (2014), CES Senior Member (2017), and will be awarded as IET Fellow in 2018.Since 2014, He has been invited to make four-time Keynote Speaking inInternational Conferences by the field of Electrical Machines and Drive Systems. Meanwhile, as one Guest Editor, Prof. Xu has been invited to organizethree-time Special Issues in peer review high-quality Journals, such as one Special Issue titled by Design and Control for Linear Machines, Drives, and MAGLEVs in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2018). Meanwhile, in August 2017, Prof. Xu had been invited to give one three-hour Tutorial about Linear Machines and Drive Systems in the 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2017), Sydney, Australia.

    Prof. Xu had been invited to serve as one Senior Consultant Engineer for new structure axial flux permanent magnet machine with Axiflux Pty Ltd, Australia from 2011 to 2012, and develop on high performance PMSM machine in Meiji University, Japan in 2012. Since 2015, he has been invited to serve as one consultant technique technical director for China Chang jiang National Shipping Group Motor Factory.

    Prof. Xu has been awarded as Vice Chancellor Research Fellow with RMIT University (Australia, 2010), Invitation Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellow (2011), China 1000-Youth Talent(2015).



    Dr. Marcello Pucci received his 'laurea' degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universityof Palermo (Italy) in 1997 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical  Engineering in 2002 from the same University. In 2000 he has been one host student at the Institute of Automatic Control of the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, working in the field of control of AC machines, with a grant from DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauscdienst – German Academic Exchange Service). From 2001 to 2007, he has been a researcher, and since 2008 he has been asenior researcher at the Section of Palermo of I.S.S.I.A.-C.N.R. (Institute onIntelligent Systems for the Automation), Italy.

    Dr. Pucci has served as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the 'Journal of Electrical Systems'. His current research interests are electrical machines, control, diagnosis and identification techniques of electrical drives, intelligent control and power converters.



    Prof. Ion Boldea was elected as one IEEE Fellow in 1996, and has been one IEEE Life Fellow since 2011. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1967, respectively, 1973, from the University Politehnica of Timisoara, Romania, where he is a Full Professor. He spent about 5 years in all as Visiting Professor in Electrical Engineeringin USA (in Kentucky and Oregon) since 1973, when he was a Senior Full bright Scholar for 10 months. He was a Visiting Professor in UK at UMIST and Glasgow University for a few times. Prof. Boldea is a full member of “Romanian Academyof Technical Sciences” (1999), a full member of “European Academy of Sciencesand Arts” of Salzburg, Austria (2004), and a correspondent member of Romanian Academy. Prof. Boldea is an Honorary citizen of his hometown, Lugoj, in Romania. He received four IEEE-IA paper prizes (two IAS Commitees (EMC and IDC) Conference prizes and two IA-Trans. Prize) in 1996, 1997, 1998, 2004, respectively.

    Prof. Boldea has published extensively in linear androtary motion electric machines design and control and MAGLEVS, including morethan 200 papers and 18 books in USA and UK. Meanwhile, he has taught intensivecourses repeatedly in the last 20 years in Europe, Asia, USA and Brazil and presented keynote addresses at numerous IEEE sponsored international conferences.


地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号 邮箱:weixu@hust.edu.cn 传真:18672395238  联系人: 徐伟      