报告题目: |
从量子纠缠到安全密钥分发 |
报告人: |
马雄峰 |
报告人单位: |
清华大学交叉信息研究院 |
报告时间: |
2020年10月29日 星期四 16:00–18:00 |
报告地点: |
逸夫科技楼北410会议室 |
邀请人: |
吴颖 教授 |
报告摘要: |
Quantum entanglement, “the spooky action at a distance”, is a peculiar feature of quantum theory. It plays a crucial role in the nonlocality feature of quantum mechanics. In quantum information processing, entanglement becomes an important resource for various tasks, such as teleportation, quantum computation, and cryptography. Intuitively, entanglement means a strong nonlocal correlation between distant parties, which essentially offers a secure key generation tool. Various Bell’s inequality test experiments have proved that the eavesdropping (as a local hidden variable) can be fundamentally ruled out. In this talk, I shall establish the link between the basic concept of entanglement and the security of quantum key distribution. |
报告人简介: |
清华大学交叉信息研究院副教授,博士生导师,长江学者。2003年北京大学物理学院学士,2008年多伦多大学物理系博士。先后在滑铁卢大学量子计算中心,多伦多大学,利兹大学从事博士后和访问学者。主要从事量子信息,量子密码学,量子光学,量子基础,量子计算方向的研究。 |