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天文论坛(20201110)The science and technology of the Einstein Probe mission - enabling discoveries in time-domain astronomy

报告题目: The science and technology of the Einstein Probe mission - enabling discoveries in time-domain astronomy
报告人: 袁为民 研究员
报告人单位: 中国科学院国家天文台 空间科学部
报告时间: 2020年11月10日14:00-16:00
报告地点: 华中科技大学东七楼427会议室
腾讯会议ID:860 442 213

Time-domain astrophysics has come of a new era of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observations with the advent of a fleet of large facilities, enabling a huge discovering space. The CAS’s Einstein Probe (EP) is a space mission (scheduled for launch at the end of 2022) designed to join this exciting exploration campaign, by carrying out high-cadence all-sky surveys with a wide field-of-view and unprecedented sensitivity in the poorly investigated soft X-ray band. The talk will present the science goals, technology employed and the science capability of EP, focusing on potential discoveries in the field of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger time-domain astronomy.

Dr. Weimin Yuan is a research scientist at Space Science Division, National Astronomical Observatories (NAOC), CAS. His research interests concern primarily with high-energy astrophysics and space science, particularly observational studies of massive black holes and active galactic nuclei, as well as development of technology and instrumentation in X-ray astronomy. He received PhD from Technical University of Munich / Max-Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics. Afterwards he worked as postdoctoral researcher at Tsukuba Space Center of JAXA, Japan for the MAXI mission, and then at University of Cambridge, respectively. He joined the CAS since 2004 and worked at Yunnan Observatory and is currently at NAOC headquarter. He is PI of the Einstein Probe mission of the CAS.

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