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学术报告(20201112)The collapsing domain walls in the BSM new physics

报告题目: The collapsing domain walls in the BSM new physics
报告人: 陈宁 副教授
报告人单位: 南开大学
报告时间: 2020年11月12日(周四)上午11:00-13:00
报告地点: 东七楼427会议室

Recently, we study the possible domain wall solutions in new physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). The domain wall is one type of the topological defects, which can appear when there is degenerate vacua associated with the spontaneous symmetry breaking. I will show that the domain walls can arise in some of the well-studied new physics models, such as the complex singlet (cxSM) extension or the two-Higgs-doublet (2HDM) extension to the Standard Model. Cosmologically, their existences are severely constrained by the CMB observation, and are ruled out by the so-called Zel'dovich-Kobzarev-Okun bound. Fortunately, such domain walls can be unstable when the associated symmetry is approximate. I will describe the future gravitational wave signals from the cxSM, and also the corresponding electric dipole moment measurements in the 2HDM.

2006-2011, Stony Brook University, PhD.
2011- 2014, 清华大学,博士后
2014-2017, 中国科学技术大学,特任副研究员

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