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摘 要
随着我国工程建设水平的提高,大型公共建筑的空间结构越来越复杂,使得建筑物内的人员疏散路径过长,导致室内人群的疏散时间增加。一旦发生紧急事件,室内行人的逃生难度会加大,威胁到行人的生命安全。传统的疏散设计是基于“处方式” 规范的合规设计,对不同形式的建筑规定了统一的设计参数,但不同建筑物的空间布局存在差异,依据规范逐条设计出的建筑并不一定是最安全的。因此本文提出基于约束条件的疏散门位置生成方法,在保持建筑物原有功能分区面积不变的情况下,生成疏散门位置,减少整个建筑物的疏散路径,缩短了人员疏散时间。
本文首先以建筑性能化设计理论为指导,总结了衡量建筑性能的关键指标,并借鉴其它建筑性能优化设计的方法,分析了建筑性能优化设计的关键步骤,为后续提出疏散性能优化设计方法提供指导流程框架。然后对建筑疏散性能化设计做了详细的介绍,分析了人员疏散效果的影响因素,并重点聚焦疏散出口布置对疏散效果的影响。再针对大型公共建筑物的疏散路线特点进行分析,对大型公共建筑物的疏散路径 进行疏散网络建模,提出通过改变疏散门的位置来对优化疏散网络路径长度。本文基于约束满足问题的建模和求解思想,以某在建的科技馆工程项目为实例,引入约束编程的方法,建立基于建筑空间位置约束和设计规范约束的约束模型,使用分支定界算法求解,生成了使整体疏散路径最短的疏散门的位置。并且通过疏散模拟软件对原设计方案和本文提出的方法生成的方案进行疏散时间对比,不同参数条件下,本文生成的疏散门布置方案的疏散时间均少于原设计方案。
关键词:建筑性能化设计 疏散优化 疏散出口 约束编程 分支定界算法
With the development of the building technology in China, the spatial structure of large public buildings is becoming more and more complex, resulting in an increasing of evacuation distance, thus the difficulty of evacuation will increase in case of emergency. The traditional evacuation design way is based on prescriptive rules which provides same design parameters for different forms of buildings, but the spatial layout of different buildings varies, buildings that only meet specifications are not the safest. Therefore, this thesis introduces a constraint-based design method to generate the optimal position of the evacuation doors to minimize the evacuation path of the entire building.
Based on the building performance design theory, this thesis summarizes the key indicators for measuring building performance, and introduces the key steps in the optimization design of building performance. Then this thesis gives a summary of the influencing factors of personnel evacuation performance and explores the impact of evacuation exit layout on evacuation performance. This thesis studies the characteristics of evacuation routes for large public buildings and model evacuation networks. Next, this thesis proposes a constraint-based design approach to automatically generate the optimal position of the evacuation doors to minimize evacuation time. The constraint-based model in this thesis includes design constraints and space constraints. A case study of Hubei Museum of Science and Technology indicates that the evacuation door layout generated by our approach outperforms the original layout.
Compared with the existing work, approach in this thesis avoids repeated modification of the design drawings and has significantly shortened the evacuation time by generating door positions. The method of this thesis can provide new ideas for evacuation performance design, and can also provide efficient new tools for the work of building evacuation design.
Keywords: Building performance design; Evacuation optimization; Evacuation door; Constraint programming; Branch and bound algorithm