摘 要
As one of the pillars industry of China's social and economic development, the construction industry has spawned social problems such as engineering quality and safety accidents, illegal contracting, and arrears of engineering payment while developing at a high speed, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of cases involving construction contract disputes. Before starting litigation, the litigant needs to search the applicable statutes of the litigation cases so they can understand the legal issues and legal regulations to provide a legal basis for the litigation case. When people have legal issues, it is critical to know which statutes are involved. Usually, because of a lack of legal knowledge, they may seek help from legal experts, such as attorneys, or from automatic systems. Since legal consultation is very costly, automatic systems are a much more affordable form of legal support. Although the current mainstream automatic systems provide query methods, users cannot obtain pertinent statutes through simple case statements, requiring professional legal knowledge. Therefore, This motivated us to propose a professional statutes retrieval system that allows litigants to quickly find the applicable statute of the case by entering the natural language to describe the facts of the case.
In view of the above problems in the litigation process of construction contract disputes, this paper proposes a statutes recommendation method for construction contract disputes case based on deep learning. Firstly, based on the analysis of the content of the judgment of construction contract dispute, the dataset applied to statutes recommendation task of construction contract dispute case is constructed by using text mining technology, which contains a total of 11481 valid data. Secondly, by analyzing the statute recommendation task in construction contract dispute cases, the task is converted into a multi-label classification problem of legal articles. By adding Sigmoid cross-entropy losses to the traditional TextCNN multi-classification model, the TextCNN multi-label classifier is constructed as a statutes recommendation method. Finally, a prototype system for recommending statutes in construction contract dispute cases is designed, which combines the TextCNN multi-label classification model and mining statute association rules that are used to extend the applicable statute of the queried cases. The system is convenient for litigants to find relevant statutes for their contract cases involving disputes.
In this paper, research on the statute recommendation is helpful for litigants to find applicable statutes quickly by entering natural language to describe the facts of the case. The research result can be used for reference to solve construction contract disputes by using big data and artificial intelligence technology.
Keywords: Construction Contract Disputes Case, Statute Recommendation, Deep Learning, TextCNN, Association Rules Mining