Cu/Al tribological pairs play a crucial role in maintaining the efficient operation of a wide range of engineering components. However, their durability often compromised by wear-induced damage, which involves the accumulation of material at the Cu/Al friction interface. This study investigates the intricate wear behavior of Cu/Al tribological pairs under electrical current, with a specific emphasis on material transfer events occurring at the interface. Our findings reveal that the applied electric current exerts a lubricating effect on the sliding contact friction, resulting in reduced adhesive wear. However, it concurrently exacerbates fatigue-induced delamination, abrasive wear, and electrical wear. Through detailed analysis of interface temperatures and microstructure characterizations, we demonstrate that Al deposit adhesion occurs through interfacial metal mixing and nanoscale diffusion in the presence of only mechanical friction. Conversely, at high electrical currents, interfacial melting transpires, resulting in robust adhesion facilitated by the formation of an intermetallic compound. Our findings offer valuable insights into the microscopic adhesion events occurring in Cu/Al tribological pairs and provide guidance for developing innovative coating systems aimed at reducing material deposition in Cu/Al current-carrying friction interfaces.
Cu/Al摩擦副因其独特的性能优势而广泛应用于电接触、轨道交通、电磁能发射等重要工程装备领域。然而,Cu/Al摩擦副服役时通常需承受大的载流,导致界面摩擦学性能急剧恶化,严重限制了其服役寿命。现有研究已经证实,载流摩擦界面的材料沉积及粘附是引发 Cu/Al 摩擦副磨损失效的关键因素。但是,针对Cu/Al 载流摩擦界面沉积层的显微结构演化规律及粘附机制,目前仍缺乏深入实验研究和理论分析,

相关工作发表在期刊Engineering Failure Analysis上,研究得到了国家自然科学基金项目的资助(No. 92066202,52001075,92266103,92166103和52022100)、中国博士后基金面上项目的资助(No. 2021M701290)以及中国科学院青年创新促进会的资助(No. 2020194)。