Tips for COVID-19 Prevention
31st December, 2020
To all international students:
ISO reminds all international students that the COVID-19 pandemic has not been over yet. The prevention and control work is still the top priority. With winter coming, the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic's further spread is growing. Here are some tips for protecting yourself against the coronavirus.
1. Remain constant vigilance. Wear masks at any poorly ventilated public places. Keep rooms clean and open windows often. Wash hands frequently. Use serving chopsticks and spoons at restaurants. Develop an individual dining habit. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
2. Stay on campus and do not go out unless necessary, and do not invite outsiders to campus for holidays. Do not travel to the medium- or high-risk areas unless necessary.
3. Fresh and frozen meat products should be fully cleaned. Cooked food should be separated from raw food.
4. If you have fever, please report it to your department manage office or the local community in time and follow the procedure for medical observation. When you return to Wuhan from overseas, medium- or high-risk places, please also report to department manage office or the local community timely and accurately.
5. Do not participate in gathering activities unless necessary. Family gathering should be less than 10 people. All the planned gathering activities on campus should be cancelled or postponed.
Thanks for your cooperation and support. Wish you a happy and healthy new year!
International Student Office
School of International Education
1. 继续保持警惕,在通风不好、密闭的地方要戴口罩,坚持勤洗手、勤通风、用公筷、分餐制、咳嗽打喷嚏遮挡等良好的卫生习惯。
2. 减少不必要出行,非必要不前往中、高风险地区,不邀请外来人员进校过节。
3. 生鲜及冷冻肉产品应充分清洗,烹饪过程应生熟分开操作,生熟食物分开存放、保持食物安全温度。
4. 出现发热症状请及时报告社区按流程送诊留观,从境外或中、高风险地区返汉严格报备社区协调隔离观察。
5. 节日期间尽可能减少不必要的聚集性活动,家庭聚集最好控制在10人以下,校内拟举办的聚集性活动一律取消或延期。