Selection of HUST Honorary International Graduates(Postgraduate)of 2017
Editor:ISO Date:May 31, 2017 Hits:

                                                                          May 31, 2017
Dear Postgraduates-2017 session,

To honor excellent international students, the university has decided to select and award HUST Honorary International Graduates. The notice is hereby announced as follows:

1. Qualification
1.1 Basic Qualification
a) HUST registered degree students;
b) Good discipline record;
c) Honest, devoted to University and friendly to China;
d) None course-failing record;
e) None academic misconduct;
f) None violation to registration regulation;
g) Good GPA (70 and above);
1.2 Essential Qualification
a) Published at least one paper on top journals (B level and above);
b) Received university/provincial/national award;
c) Promoted education exchanges between HUST and other institute/ countries;
d) Awarded as university/provincial/national excellent graduation thesis holder;
2. Selection Procedure
Complete and print the <Application Form- HUST Outstanding International Student (Postgraduate)>, prepare the necessary materials;
Qualification checked and recommended by the student’s supervisor;
Get evaluated by the student’s school;
Submit the form to School of International Education for the final evaluation;
Wait for the decision from the university.
3. Important Matters to Follow
Students must submit the application form and the supporting materials to School of International Education before the deadline of 12:00, June 9, 2017.
Application beyond the deadline shall not be considered.
The level of the Journal on which qualified high level papers were published must be confirmed & signed by the student’s supervisor and sealed by the school before it is accepted into use.
The level of the Journal shall be decided in accordance with the University Human Resources Act 2008-28.

Attachment. <Application Form-HUST Outstanding International Student (Postgraduate)>

School of International Education
Huazhong University of Science and Technology



1. 全日制在校学习外国留学生(研究生);
2. 严格遵守中国的法律法规和学校的各项规章制度,无违法违纪记录;未受到过任何处分或处罚,未损害学校声誉;
3. 明礼诚信,热爱学校,知华友华;
4. 勤奋学习,学风端正,成绩优良,无课程不及格;
5. 科研研究态度端正,无学术不端行为;
6. 每学期按时缴纳学费并完成注册,无不良纪录;
7. 平均成绩不低于70分;
1. 在校期间在国际、国内重要学术期刊(B类以上)上发表论文1篇及以上;
2. 获得校级以上单位的表彰或奖励,为学校赢得了荣誉;
3. 促进了学校与其他机构或国家的教育交流与合作;
4. 毕业论文获得了校级及以上优秀论文荣誉。
1. 学生填写并提交《华中科技大学外国留学生(研究生)先进个人申请审批表》,需附上相应的支撑材料;
2. 学生导师初步审核,提出推荐意见;
3. 各院系组织评审;
4. 国际教育学院组织评审并报学校审批;
5. 公布获奖学生名单并颁发荣誉证书。
主校区联系人:  兰老师,电话:87793026。



内容附件: upload/2017-05-31/170531053758108460075.doc

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