Announcement No.3: 70-Day Countdown! HUST International Student Alumni Conference 倒计时70天!华中科技大学国际学生校友大会公告(第三号)
Editor: Date:July 29, 2022 Hits:

Dear International Student Alumni,

The year of 2022 marks both the 70th anniversary of HUST, and the 60th anniversary of international student education at HUST. Since its establishment in 1952, HUST has taken a long walk to its great achievements with unprecedented solidarity and tenacity over 70 years. HUST has actively recruited international students since 1962. Over that period, it became a window for international students around the world to know China, and a platform for them to pursue their dreams in the future. Since the release of Announcement No. 1 and No. 2 of International Student Alumni Conference, this grand event attracted much attention and support from international student alumni across the globe and people from all walks of life.
The very first HUST International Student Alumni Conference is approaching and today marks 70 days to go before this big event!
On October 7th, 2022, the first HUST International Alumni Conference (online and offline) will be held at Qiushi Conference Hall of HUST International Academic Exchange Center, No. 8 Building to celebrate HUST’s birthday. We look forward to welcoming you back, and together we will witness a new chapter of HUST.
2022年10月7日, 首届国际学生校友大会(线上、线下同步进行)将在学校国际学术交流中心八号楼求是厅隆重举行,在此我们诚邀国际学生校友重返母校参加此次盛会,共庆华诞、共话发展!
This grand reunion will be held both online and offline. For the international student alumni who would like to join us offline on HUST campus, please login Management and Service System for International Student Alumni (/hust/mu_i-alumni/f/alumnihome) and register before August 15th, 2022. We will also send video link to international student alumni who will attend online.
(How to register)
1. Login /hust/mu_i-alumni/f/alumnihome

2. Click “Register” under Schedule for 2022 HUST International Student Alumni Conference

3. Fill out your personal information and click “Submit Application” (Kind reminder: due to relevant policy, vaccination is a mandate for staying at a gathering place.)

If you encounter any difficulty during the registration process, please feel free to contact us at:
Let’s meet in HUST on October!

School of International Education,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Attachment: Schedule for 2022 HUST International Student Alumni Conference (Only for reference)

Time: October 7, 2022 (Friday)
Venue: HUST campus
Sponsor: Central Alumni Association, HUST
Organizer: School of International Education, HUST
The meeting will be both online and offline.
Schedule of the conference (Beijing Time)
13:30~14:00, Warm-up video
14:00~15:40, Speech by HUST leaders; Speech by International Student Alumni representatives.
15:40~16:00, Ceremony of Issuing the Letter of Appointment for International Student Alumni Publicity Ambassadors
16:00~17:00, Keynote Speech
17:00~17:10, Group photo
17:10~18:00, Buffet dinner
18:10~19:10, Speech by world-leading and large Chinese enterprises
19:10~20:00, Enterprise market: company representatives will meet students face-to-face for recruitment

Previous:  华中科技大学国际中文教师奖学金招生简章(2023年)
Next:  Announcement No. 2:Welcome to sign up online for the first International Student Alumni Conference