

时间:2022727日 周三  10:00

线上:腾讯会议(会议号:796-931-854     密码:654321

报告人:曾市勇 研究生(中科大)

负责导师:朱平 教授

拟投期刊:Nuclear Fusion

题目:The triggering of tearing instability by impurity radiation through resistive interchange reversal in a tokamak

摘要:Recent MHD simulations find that the reversal of the local resistive interchange parameter DR from negative to positive due to impurity radiation cooling is able to trigger the resistive tearing mode growth in a tokamak above a threshold in impurity level. A perturbed Pfirsch-Schluter current layer is also induced by the impurity radiation, which further drives the tearing mode growth in the nonlinear stage. The impurity threshold and the tearing mode growth strongly depend on the parallel thermal conductivity, and such a dependence derives from the impact on DR from the fast parallel thermal equilibration along the helical magnetic field lines.


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