时间:2022年5月24日 周二 14:30
报告人:谢耀禹 研究生(东华理工大学)
导师:赵开君 教授(东华理工大学)
拟投期刊:Nuclear Fusion
题目:Plasma flows and turbulence during nonlocal heat transport induced by cold pulses in the J-TEXT tokamak
摘要:The plasma flows and turbulence are presented with nonlocal heat transport (NLT) triggered by multiple supersonic molecular beam injections (SMBIs) in the J-TEXT tokamak. The signatures of the NLT are observed at low density and become weaker with increasing density. The reversed radius of the temperature is 0.5 and the density profiles become steep near the location. The NLTs are well correlated with turbulence intensity estimated from electron cyclotron emission radiometers. During the NLTs, the relative intensity of temperature turbulence in various frequency bands shows a significant decrease inside the radius of 0.8. For comparison, the characteristics of the core turbulence are observed during the density ramp-up experiment. A fast reciprocating Langmuir probe array enables the observation of the behaviors of the edge flow and turbulence. The edge temperature turbulence increases after SMBIs. The turbulence-driven particle flux and radial electric field all decrease during the NLTs. The former is caused by the suppression of the density and radial velocity fluctuations due to the cold pulse injection while the latter is due to a reduction of the poloidal flows generated by nonlinear turbulence interaction.