
Academic Seminars 2021 No.119 -- Kazunobu Nagasaki

==== Kyoto University ====

时间:20211129 周一 14:00

方式:Zoom会议(会议号976 0368 9630;密码019584


报告人:Professor. Kazunobu Nagasaki(长崎百伸)

邀请人:杨州军 副教授

题目:Heating and Current Drive in Magnetic Confinement Fusion

摘要Heating and current drive is an important utility in magnetic confinement fusion devices such as tokamaks and stellarator/heliotron devices. It is utilized for many purposes such as reaching the burning state, sustaining plasma equilibrium, stabilizing MHD instabilities, plasma start-up and controlling impurities. In this talk, the heating and current drive in current fusion devices and future devices like ITER and DEMO reactors is presented, particularly the physic and technology of electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and current drive (ECCD).


Kazunobu Nagasaki(長﨑 百伸) earned his PhD in engineering in 1992 at Kyoto University, where he has been a professor since 2000 and a full professor since 2007. His research interests lie in the confinement, transport and stability of magnetically confined plasmas in tokamaks and stellarator/heliotron devices, the development of electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECH) and current drive system (ECCD), application of ECH/ECCD to plasmas, millimeter wave diagnostics such as radiometers, reflectometers and interferometers to measure the electron density and temperature profiles and their fluctuations, as well as optimization studies of stellarator/heliotron configurations. He conducts most of his experimental research on the Heliotron J device at Kyoto University. In 1998-99 he was a guest fellow at the Australian National University. He collaborates closely with the Large Helical Device (LHD) group at the National Institute for Fusion Science, where he has been a guest professor in 2011-12 and 2014-15.


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