
Academic Seminars 2021 No.115 -- D.T. Escande

==== Aix-Marseille Université ====

时间:2021118 周一 14:00

方式:Zoom会议(会议号895 1210 4408;密码704125

报告人:D.T. Escande 教授

邀请人:朱平  教授

题目:3D Resistive Systems

摘要Such systems are capable of magnetic reconnection, as evidenced in various laboratory, space, and astrophysical plasmas. For toroidal systems, magnetic islands develop in a process of helical magnetic self-organization, which involves a dynamo, called magnetic flux pumping for the hybrid tokamak scenario. Magnetics rules ohmic helical equilibria, and they slave the dynamo [1]. The tearing mode is the paradigm of ohmic helical self-organization. In slab geometry, it can be described by a linear calculation after an appropriate Ansatz [2]. The tearing mode does not saturate by opposing the cause of the instability, but by adapting to it [2].

[1] Cappello S, Bonfiglio D, Escande D F, Guo S C, Predebon I, Sattin F, Veranda M, Zanca P, C. Angioni, Chacón L, Dong J Q, Garbet X and Liu S F 2011, Nucl. Fusion 51 103012

[2] D. F. Escande and M. Ottaviani, Phys. Lett. A 323, 278 (2004)

报告人简介:Dominique Escande 教授是国际著名磁约束等离子体理论物理学家,在RFP等离子体准单螺旋态自组织过程等诸多领域都有原创性贡献,曾担任法国Tore Supra, 意大利 RFX 等装置实验室等主要研究部门主管,主持多次重要国际学术会议,目前任法国马赛大学高等研究员,国家科学研究中心荣誉退休研究主任等。


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