
时间:20211025 周一  16:00



报告人:蒋映洲 研究生

题目:Development of the three-barrel pellet injection system on J-TEXT tokamak

摘要Pellet injection is an ideal technology for core-fueling and MHD study on magnetic-confined fusion device like tokamak and stellarator. It can inject solid Hydrogen/Deuterium H2/D2 pellets into the plasma and havewith deeper density deposition compared with other fueling methods, such as gas puffing. A three-barrel H2 pellet injection system has been installed on J-TEXT tokamak and some experiments have been carried out. The pellets are formed in three barrels cooled by a refrigerator at around 9 K, and have 0.8 mm/1 mm diameter and 0.8 mm length. The pellet is launched by high-pressure helium propellant gas and injected from low field side of plasma, and the range of pellet speed is 300-500 m/s. With the three-barrel design, the number of pellets injected can be adjusted with 1-3, when launch over 2 pellets, pellets can be launched sequentially with any time interval, which enables flexible applications. From the experiment results, pellet fueling efficiency can reach 50%. Plasma confinement has been improved and the energy confinement time increases by about 7.5-10 ms after pellet injection.


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