J-TEXT Seminar No.14

J-TEXT Seminar No.14


时间:2015年11月19日(星期四) 9:00


题目:Stochastic boundary plasmas


Experimental results from different devices demonstrate that magnetic topology plays a key role in plasma confinement, edge MHD stability, and interactions between the plasma and the first wall, particularly with the divertor. Recently, three-dimensional (3D) magnetic topology effects, which are associated with stochastic boundary plasma physics, form one of the hottest topics in fusion research today, and understanding them is essential for the success of future fusion devices. In this paper, an overview of the physics understanding of the formation first of 3D magnetic topology and then of a stochastic layer, and its effects on the edge and divertor transport and on MHD stability in tokamak plasmas will be presented. In addition, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of 2D and 3D magnetic topology effects in

magnetic confinement fusion will be discussed.


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