J-TEXT Seminar No.19
Time:14:30 p.m. Aug 2,
2016 (Tuesday)
Address:Meeting room of third floor
Speaker: P. H. Diamond
Title: Models of the L-H Transition: A
Look at an Evolving Story
About the speaker: Diamond got PhD degree in 1979 at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Theory of Phase Space Density
Granulation in Magneto plasma). He is a professor at the University of
California, San Diego (UCSD). He is also the thousand foreign experts at the SWIP,
ChengDu, where the HL-2A tokamak is operated. In 2004 he received with Akira
Hasegawa and Kunioki Mima the Hannes Alfvén Prize for significant contributions
to the theory of turbulent transport in plasmas such as self-organization of
zonal flow, the shear decorrelation mechanism and predator-prey models for
bifurcations in plasmas. He focuses besides applications in controlled
thermonuclear fusion with astrophysical applications. In 1986 he became a
Fellow of the American Physical Society.