J-TEXT 学术报告第48期
时 间: 2016年06月28日(周二) 15:30
地 点: 二楼会议室
1. EPS预报告
报告人1: 郭伟欣(HUST)
题 目1: Isotopic
dependence of impurity transport driven by ion temperature gradient turbulence
报告人2: 黄名响(HUST)
题 目2: Study the characteristic of minor
disruption on J-TEXT tokamak
characteristic of minor disruptions is studied on J-TEXT tokamak. In the
experiments, frequent minor disruptions, characterized with fast heat crash and
density pump-out but without plasma current crash, are triggered after mode
locking or field penetration by static m/n = 2/1 resonant magnetic
perturbations (RMPs), where m and n are the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers,
respectively. For minor disruption, it is found that the width of locked mode
decreases, and the temperature decreases within the 2/1 rational surface and
increases outside of that surface in a time scale of 1-2 ms through the
electron-cyclotron-emission measurements, which means the fast flowing out of
thermal energy. Later on, the locked mode, as
well as the temperature, begin to recover until its initial state, then
the next minor disruption occurs again. Further analysis shows that the
excitation of minor disruption is possibly caused by the coupling of 2/1 locked
mode with other mode (such as 1/1 mode), and this kind of mode coupling may
even result in major disruption. In addition, after one minor disruption, a 3/2
mode may appear and compete with 2/1 mode, then disappears soon as the 2/1 mode
is large enough.
2. 会议总结汇报
1. IEEE RT总结汇报:郑玮,胡斐然
2. APTWG总结汇报:陈忠勇,彭水涛,郭伟欣