J-TEXT 学术报告第41期
时 间: 2016年04月26日(周二) 14:30
地 点: 三楼会议室313
报告人1: 黄名响(HUST)
题 目1: Phenomenology
of disruptions on J-TEXT tokamak
The characteristic of minor and major disruptions is studied on J-TEXT
tokamak, which happen during lock-mode disruptions and density limit
disruptions. In the lock-mode experiments, frequent minor disruptions,
characterized with fast heat crash and density pump-out but without plasma
current crash, are triggered after mode locking or field penetration by static
m/n = 2/1 resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs), where m and n are the
poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively. For minor disruption, it is
found that the temperature decreases within the 2/1 rational surface and
increases outside of that surface in a time scale of 1-2 ms. Later on, the
locked mode as well as the temperature and density begin to recover until its
initial state, then the next minor disruption occurs again. Further analysis
shows that the excitation of minor disruption is possibly caused by the
coupling of 2/1 locked mode with other mode (such as 1/1 and 3/2 modes), and
this kind of modes coupling may even lead to the occurrence of major
disruption. And just before the density limit disruptions, minor disruptions
are likely to happen, and modes coupling may lead to the major disruptions. In
addition, even the modes coupling happens, if, for example, the confinement
improves, the 2/1 mode (and 3/2 mode) will be suppressed, and the (minor and
major) disruption would not happen.
报告人2: 何济洋(HUST)
题 目2: The brief introduction of the first alfven wave antenna