J-TEXT 学术报告第37期
时 间: 2016年03月30日(周三) 14:30
地 点: 二楼会议室
报告人1: 张君(HUST)
题 目1: 2015年秋季电磁能量转移实验结果报告
基于电磁能量转移的等离子体破裂防护方法,目的是转移破裂过程耗散在真空室内部的电磁能量,减小破裂过程耗散在真空室内部的电磁能量总和,实现破裂缓解。在J-TEXT 2015年秋季实验中,对该方法进行了实验研究,得到能量转移可以导出破裂过程耗散在真空室内部的电磁能量大小,可以降低环电压,可以缓解逃逸电流,并可以对改善逃逸电流的水平位移,初步验证了该方法的可行性。该报告将对上述相关实验结果进行汇报,并希望能与各位感兴趣的老师和同学进行讨论。
报告人2: 刘海(HUST)
题 目2: Study the effect of electrode biasing on tearing mode on
the J-TEXT tokamak
Theories and
experiments show the plasma flow or flow shear can influence the tearing mode
through changing tearing stability index ∆',This experiment aims to study effect of different
polarities and amplitudes voltages of electrode on tearing mode. The results
indicate that the edge plasma flowV∅and flow shear length can be modified greatly
by bias and show positive correlation with the EB bias or current. With
negative (positive) bias, the larger (smaller) dimensionless flow shear lengthLV=-V∅/(R0V∅)' is found, along with increasing (decreasing)
of TM frequency and decreasing (increasing) of poloidal magnetic perturbation.
The EB with negative (positive) bias can stabilize (destabilize) the tearing
mode through increasing (decreasing) the flow shear length. The
increment/decrement of the flow shear length or the level of stabilization/
destabilization shows a positive correlation with the value of
negative/positive bias (current). Specially, the TM could be suppressed
completely when the flow shear length increases to ~1.3 (with a negative bias of -300V and EB current -60A) and locking
mode occurs when the flow shear length reduces to ~ -1.4 (with a negative bias
of +110V and EB current +60A). Furthermore, the repeatability of TM stabilization/destabilization by EB has been test. It is found the
TM can restore rapidly after the bias off.