J-TEXT Seminar No.25
J-TEXT Seminar No.25
时间:11月16日 8:30
报告人: 聂林
evaluation of Langmuir probe sheath potential coefficient
Systematic calibration experiment of
Langmiur probe sheath potential coefficient Λ, which is a critical coefficient
for estimating plasma sheath potential, has been carried out in the HL-2A &
J-TEXE tokamak Flat carbon probe was used in order to obtain good I-V
characteristics. It was found that in Equilibrium measurement, the estimated Λ
coefficient monotonically increased from ~2.2 to ~2.9 while Langmuir probe is
moved from 40 mm outside last-closed-flux-surface (LCFS) to 20 mm inside LCFS.
This measured coefficient is closed to the commonly used value Λ = 2.8 for
hydrogen plasmas, which is often assumed to be a constant throughout plasma.
But In fluctuation measurement, which was used 30kHz swept probe, the result is
different. It shows that the temperature effect can be ignored and the
fluctuation of floating potential is similar with plasma potential.
题目2:Observation of nonlinear energy exchange
between turbulent and zonal flows
The non-linear interaction between
low-frequency zonal flow (LFZF), geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) and turbulence
are studied at last J-TEXT experimental campaign, as well as the competition
relationship of these two branches of zonal flow on turbulence energy
absorption. Recent experimental results show that, there exist a strong
interaction between turbulence and GAM/LFZF via non-linear triple-wave
coupling. The energy transfer rates among turbulence, ZFs and GAMs were
measured during Ohmic discharge, taking advantage of reciprocal Langmuir probe
array. The results show that the turbulent kinetic energy is transferred from
turbulence with intermediate frequency into both ZFs and GAMs, and into
fluctuations with higher frequency. However, as the frequency of ZF and GAMs
are quite low, as well as the energy transfer calculation needs thousands of
realizations, the energy exchange between GAMs and ZFs was not clearly
时间:11月16日 14:00
报告人1: 钟武律
observation of turbulence transition and a critical gradient threshold for
trapped electron mode in tokamak plasmas
In HL-2A and J-TEXT ohmic confinement
regimes, an electrostatic turbulence with quasi-coherent characteristics in
spectra of density fluctuations was observed by multi-channel microwave
reflectometers. These quasi-coherent modes were detectable in a large plasma
region (r/a ~0.3-0.8). Their frequencies were in the range of 30–140 kHz. They
propagated in the electron diamagnetic direction. In the plasmas with the
quasi-coherent modes, trapped electron mode (TEM) was predicted to be unstable
by gyrokinetic simulations. The combined experimental results demonstrated that
the mode is a quasi-coherent TEM. It was shown that the TEM is survived in the
linear ohmic confinement regime of plasmas. The quasi-coherent TEM was replaced
by broad-band fluctuations when the plasma transits from linear to saturated
ohmic confinement regime. The observation was strongly related to the
turbulence transition from TEM to ion temperature gradient mode. A critical
gradient threshold for TEM excitation in electron temperature gradient was
found. The study directly revealed the effect of TEM on particle transport.
报告人2: 赵开君
题目:Co-current toroidal rotation-driven
and turbulent stresses with resonant magnetic perturbations in the edge plasmas
of the J-TEXT tokamak
The acceleration of the co-current
toroidal rotations around resonant surfaces by resonant magnetic perturbations
(RMPs) through turbulence is presented. With RMPs, the flat electron
temperature Te profile due to magnetic islands appears around
resonant surfaces. When the resonant surface is closer to the last closed flux
surface, the flat Te profile vanishes with RMPs. In both cases,
the toroidal rotations significantly increase in the direction of the plasma
current around resonant surfaces. The characteristics of turbulence are
significantly affected by RMPs around resonant surfaces. Turbulence intensity
profile changes and the poloidal wave vector kθ increases with
RMPs. The power fraction of the turbulence components in the ion diamagnetic
drift direction increases with RMPs. The measurements of turbulent Reynolds
stresses are consistent with that the toroidal flows can be driven by
turbulence. The estimations of the energy transfer between turbulence and
toroidal flows suggest that turbulence energy transfers into toroidal flows.
The result has the implication of the intrinsic rotation being driven by RMPs
via turbulence.