(8) Lv, L.; Zhuge, F.; Yin, S.; Yu, J.; Cao, G.; Zhai, T. Gain Characteristics of Bipolar Junction Phototransistors with Customized Base Width Using Ferroelectric Polarization Patterning. J Phys D Appl Phys 2021, 54 (48), 485104.
- 上一条:(7) Lv, L.; Yu, J.; Hu, M.; Yin, S.; Zhuge, F.; Ma, Y.; Zhai, T. Design and Tailoring of Two-Dimensional Schottky, PN and Tunnelling Junctions for Electronics and Optoelectronics. Nanoscale 2021, 13 (14), 6713–6751.
- 下一条:(9) Chen, Y.; Yu, J.; Zhuge, F.; He, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Yu, S.; Liu, K.; Li, L.; Ma, Y.; Zhai, T. An Asymmetric Hot Carrier Tunneling van Der Waals Heterostructure for Multibit Optoelectronic Memory. Mater Horizons 2020, 7 (5), 1331–1340.