
Professor    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates    Supervisor of Master's Candidates

  • Professional Title:Professor
  • Gender:Female
  • Status:Employed
  • Department:School of Public Health
  • Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Medicine
  • Alma Mater:华中科技大学

Paper Publications

Yang J†, Duan S†, Zhong R†, Yin J, Pu J, Ke J, Lu X, Zou L, Zhang H, Zhu Z, Wang D, Xiao H, Guo A, Xia J, Miao X*, Tang S*, Wang G*. Exome sequencing identified nrg3 as a novel susceptible gene of hirschsprung's disease in a Chinese population. Mol Neurobiol. 2013; 47(3), 957-966. (†Co-first authors)

Release time:2022-11-24Hits: