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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
2017 湖北省人民政府学术委员会,湖北省教育厅《用药信息公开促进合理用药的类试验研究》张小鹏湖北省优秀硕士学位论文,指导奖
2006 《社区卫生服务契约制度研究》于2004年9月通过由卫生部组织的科学成果鉴定,鉴定结论为全国领先水平,2006年获湖北省科技进步奖三等奖, 武汉市科技进步奖三等奖
2007 湖北省优秀硕士论文《农村地区合理用药促进研究》指导奖
2007 湖北省教育厅 《我国城市社区卫生服务机构基本药物目录研究》获得省优秀学士学位论文二等奖,指导奖
2007 湖北省教育厅 《我国农村地区合理用药干预措施评价研究》获得省优秀硕士学位论文,指导奖
2005 校级优秀博士学位论文《社区卫生服务契约制度研究》
表1 2005-2024年张新平教授主持的主要项目(按时间顺序)
序号 |
项目类型 |
项目名称 |
项目时间 |
经费(万) |
1 | 国自科面上 | 全面健康视角下脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接的政策体系研究 | 2023.01-2026.12 | 45 |
2 | 国自科面上 | 实验室选择性报告对医生抗生素处方行为的影响模型及整群随机对照干预研究 | 2021.01-2024.12 | 48 |
3 |
国基金(面上) |
基于KING’S达标理论的药师患者沟通的理论模型与机制研究 |
2018.01-2021.12 |
48 |
4 |
横向课题 |
中国全球卫生网络政策性研究课题之抗生素耐药性的全球治理和重点国家的参与情况,及对我国的启示 |
2017.11-2018.06 |
10 |
5 |
重大与交叉项目(国库) |
中国医疗服务业海外发展研究 |
2017- |
- |
6 |
国基金(面上) |
基于透明行动循环模型的药品使用监管透明机制研究 |
2014.01-2017.12 |
56 |
7 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
4省市4疾病医疗费用数据分析 |
2013.06-2013.12 |
5 |
8 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
“湖北省新型农村合作医疗项目绩效评价”合作研究协议 |
2013.03-2014.03 |
3 |
9 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
健肝乐上市后再评价——药物目录遴选与更新的循证研究 |
2013.06-2013.12 |
10 |
10 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
“国家基本药物目录(12版)与湖北省其他目录对比分析”合作研究 |
2013.03-2014.03 |
10 |
11 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
医保目录和基本药物目录制定与更新的循证研究--以疏血通注射剂有 |
2012.10-2013.10 |
10 |
12 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
二级以上医院按比例使用基本药物可行性研究 |
2012.05-2013.12 |
7 |
13 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
基本药物制度对基层医疗卫生机构发展的影响及对策 |
2012.05-2013.12 |
7 |
14 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
基本高值医用耗材使用情况现状调查和集中招标采购可行性研究 |
2012.05-2013.12 |
6 |
15 |
国务院其他部委软科学项目 |
县级综合性医院药品配备情况与其他目录的对比分析 |
2012.01-2012.12 |
4.1 |
16 |
国务院其他部委软科学项目 |
初步建立国家基本药物制度(2009-2011年)回顾性研究 |
2012.01-2012.12 |
8 |
17 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
推进基本药物在社区有效实施的关键策略研究 |
2012.01-2012.12 |
13.3 |
18 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
基本高值医用耗材品种遴选研究 |
2012.01-2012.12 |
3.6 |
19 |
国基金自由申请(面上) |
基于高透明度导向的基层医疗机构基本药物使用监管模型研究 |
2012.01-2015.12 |
42 |
20 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
村卫生室和非政府办医疗机构实施基本药物制度可行性研究 |
2011.05-2012.12 |
10 |
21 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
基本药物制度试点地区建立长效补偿机制研究 |
2011.05-2012.12 |
10 |
22 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
基本医疗保险目录与基本药物目录对应关系研究 |
2010.06-2010.11 |
8 |
23 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
湖北省新农合门诊统筹模式绩效评价 |
2009.12-2010.02 |
3 |
24 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
社区卫生服务机构基本用药政策研究 |
2009.06-2010.05 |
22.5 |
25 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
基本药物制度研究 |
2009.05-2010.05 |
11 |
26 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
国际药物政策分析研究 |
2009.03-2009.06 |
4 |
27 |
国务院其他部委软科学项目 |
社区卫生服务机构药品管理现状分析研究 |
2008.07-2009.07 |
15 |
28 |
国务院其他部委软科学项目 |
全国药品监管人员培训指导大纲研究与制定 |
2008.03-2008.09 |
10 |
29 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
2006—2007年湖北省新型农村合作医疗绩效评价 |
2008.10-2008.12 |
3 |
30 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
武汉市新型农村合作医疗定点医疗机构服务行为评估 |
2007.11-2008.04 |
3 |
31 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
我国执行WHO西太区改进基本药物可获得性策略研究 |
2007.10-2008.04 |
1.5 |
32 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
农村药品“两网”建设评价项目 |
2007.10-2008.09 |
4 |
33 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
湖北省NCMS运行机制及效果评价研究 |
2007.06-2008.05 |
4 |
34 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
提高参合农民实际住院补偿水平研究 |
2007.05-2008.05 |
2.5 |
35 |
民用横向项目(技术服务) |
城市两级卫生服务体系新型双向转诊机制研究 |
2007.01-2008.03 |
8 |
36 |
国务院其他部委软科学项目 |
社区卫生服务药品、医用耗材采供指导方案研究 |
2007.04-2007.11 |
15 |
37 |
省市其他纵向项目 |
湖北省新型农村合作医疗定点医疗机构服务行为评估方案 |
2007.01-2007.12 |
1 |
38 |
民用横向项目(其他项目) |
完善贫困人口医疗救助模式研究 |
2007.01-2007.03 |
5.25 |
二、论文、著作 及获奖情况
1. Wang Q, Lai X, Wu Y, et al. Associations between self-leadership and self-reported execution of infection prevention and control among physicians and nurses [J]. American journal of infection control, 2024, 52(3): 267-273.
2. Zhou Q, Liu J, Zheng F, et al. Nurses’ preferences for interventions to improve infection prevention and control behaviors based on systems engineering initiative to patient safety model: a discrete choice experiment[J]. BMC nursing, 2024, 23(1): 01-09.
3. Wang Y, Zhang X, Zhou Q, et al. Impact of selective reporting of antimicrobial susceptibility testing report on clinicians’ prescribing behavior of antibiotics[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2023, 14: 01-10.
4. Wang Q, Wu Y, Wang D, et al. The impacts of knowledge and attitude on behavior of antibiotic use for the common cold among the public and identifying the critical behavioral stage: based on an expanding KAP model[J]. BMC Public Health, 2023, 23(1): 01-13.
5. Zheng F, Wang K, Wang Q, et al. Factors influencing clinicians’ use of hospital information systems for infection prevention and control: cross-Sectional study based on the extended DeLone and McLean Model[J]. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023, 25:01-14.
6. Zheng F, Wang K, Wang Q, et al. The pre-analytical process management status and influencing factors of laboratory test before prescribing antimicrobial in developing country[J]. BMC Health Services Research, 2023, 23(1): 01-14.
7. Wang L, Zhang D, Liu J, et al. The mediating role of incentives in association between leadership attention and self-perceived continuous improvement in infection prevention and control among medical staff: a cross-sectional survey[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2023, 11: 01-12.
8. Wang Y, Zhang X, Lai X, et al. Impact of Multidisciplinary Collaborative Intervention on Isolation Implementation in Prevention and Control of Multi-drug Resistance Infection[J]. Current Medical Science, 2023, 43(1): 198-205.
9. Wu Y, Wang Q, Zheng F, et al. Effects of the implementation of transport-driven poverty alleviation policy on health care–seeking behavior and medical expenditure among older people in rural areas: quasi-experimental study[J]. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2023, 9(1): 01-11.
10. Wei M, Wang Y, Zhang X, et al. The Impact of Information Quality of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Report on the Rational Antimicrobial Use: A Retrospective Study[J]. Infection and Drug Resistance, 2023: 6965-6974.
11. Fan S, Wang Q, Zheng F, et al. Depression as a Mediator and Social Participation as a Moderator in the Bidirectional Relationship Between Sleep Disorders and Pain: Dynamic Cohort Study[J]. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2023, 9(1): e01-13.
12. Wang X, Liu C, Du Y, et al. Do knowledge, attitudes, and barrier perception affect the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections? A structural equation modelling approach[J]. Infection and Drug Resistance, 2023, 16: 3051-3063.IF=2.9, Q2
13. Wang L, Zhang X, Zhang P, et al. Development and psychometric evaluation of the trauma nurse core competency scale[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 10: 01-14.
14. Yu T, Zhang X, Wang Q, et al. Communication openness and nosocomial infection reporting: the mediating role of team cohesion[J]. BMC Health Services Research, 2022, 22(1): 01-08.
15. Wang Q, Lai X, Zheng F, et al. The impacts of self-expectation leadership and organizational commitment on hand hygiene behavior of medical staff based on the theory of implicit leadership[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 13: 01-10.
16. Zheng F, Wang D, Zhang X. The impact of clinical pharmacist-physician communication on reducing drug-related problems: a mixed study design in a tertiary teaching Hospital in Xinjiang, China[J]. BMC Health Services Research, 2022, 22(1): 01-11.
17. Lu J, Liu C, Wang D, et al. Influence of work values on the prescribing behavioral intentions regarding antibiotic use among primary physicians in Hubei, China[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 10: 830181.
18. Chen H, Xiong Y, Zhang Z, et al. Theoretical model and measurement of shared decision making in web-based pharmaceutical care consultation[J]. Digital Health, 2022, 8: 20552076221089794.
19. Wang D, Zhang X, Chen H, et al. Applying theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Physicians’ Shared decision-making with patients with Acute Respiratory Infections in Primary Care: a cross-sectional study[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, 12: 785419.
20. Zheng S, Yang Q, Wang X, et al. Capability, opportunity, motivation, and hand hygiene behavior in healthcare workers: a structural equation modeling[J]. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2022: 2219-2228. IF=2.8,Q1
21. Wang Q, Zhang X, Zheng F, et al. Clinicians’ Intention to Submit Microbiological Pathogenic Test Before Antibiotics Use and Its Influencing Factors: New Evidence from the Perspective of Hospital Management[J]. Infection and Drug Resistance, 2022: 3013-3023.
22. Liu C, Wang D, Duan L, et al. Coping with diagnostic uncertainty in antibiotic prescribing: a latent class study of primary care physicians in Hubei China[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2021, 9: 741345.
23. Wang Y, Zhang X. Influence of parental psychological flexibility on pediatric COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: mediating role of self-efficacy and coping style[J]. Frontiers in psychology, 2021, 12: 783401.
24. Wang Y, Zhang X, Zhou Q, et al. Information complexity and behavior intention to prescribe antibiotics based on the antimicrobial susceptibility testing report: the mediating roles of information overload and attitude[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021, 12: 778664.
25. Julien J, Wang X, Meng H, et al. The influence of transaction process with doctors on patient satisfaction, self-rating anxiety and self-efficacy among international students in China[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2021, 9: 737278.
26. Yang Q, Wang A, Zhang X, et al. Evaluation of environmental cleaning quality: an observational study at a tertiary hospital in Wuhan, China[J]. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2021, 15(09): 1252-1256.
27. Yang Q, Wang X, Zhou Q, et al. Healthcare workers’ behaviors on infection prevention and control and their determinants during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study based on the theoretical domains framework in Wuhan, China[J]. Archives of Public Health, 2021, 79(1): 118.
28. Tsagaankhuu S, Amgalan E, Damba T, et al. Estimating the Impacts of Hospitals’ Organisational and Geographical Characteristics on the Adoption of Health Information Technology in Mongolian Hospitals[J]. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021, 2021(1): 8836625.
29. Duan Z, Liu C, Han M, et al. Understanding consumer behavior patterns in antibiotic usage for upper respiratory tract infections: A study protocol based on the COM-B framework[J]. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2021, 17(5): 978-985.
30. Wang D, Liu C, Zhang X, et al. Does diagnostic uncertainty increase antibiotic prescribing in primary care?[J]. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 2021, 31(1):
31. Zhou Q, Lai X, Wan Z, et al. Impact of burnout, secondary traumatic stress and compassion satisfaction on hand hygiene of healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic[J]. Nursing Open, 2021, 8(5): 2551-2557.
32. Ye L, Zhang X. The association mechanism between social network types and health‐related behaviours among the elderly in rural Hubei Province, China[J]. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2021, 36(3): 826-846.
33. Wang D, Liu C, Liu C, et al. Improving pharmacist-patient communications based on King's theory of goal attainment: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial[J]. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2021, 17(3): 625-631.
34. Wang Y, Zhang X, Wang X, et al. Appropriateness of empirical fluoroquinolones therapy in patients infected with Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa: the importance of the CLSI breakpoints revision[J]. Infection and Drug Resistance, 2021: 3541-3552.
35. Xie L, Du Y, Wang X, et al. Effects of regulation on carbapenem prescription in a large teaching hospital in China: an interrupted time series analysis, 2016–2018[J]. Infection and Drug Resistance, 2021: 3099-3108.
36. Wang D, Liu C, Zhang X, et al. Identifying antibiotic prescribing patterns through multi-level latent profile analyses: a cross-sectional survey of primary care physicians[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020, 11: 591709.
37. Lai X, Zhou Q, Zhang X, et al. What influences the infection of COVID-19 in healthcare workers?[J]. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2020, 14(11): 1231-1237.
38. Lai R, Tan L, Lai X, et al. Help-seeking behavior of returning to work in healthcare workers and its influencing factors during COVID-19 subsiding[J]. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2020, 62(11): 898-903.
39. Tan L, Ma B, Lai X, et al. Air and surface contamination by SARS-CoV-2 virus in a tertiary hospital in Wuhan, China[J]. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020, 99: 3-7.
40. Zhao Y, Yang Q, Zhang X. Quality of phase I clinical drug trials: Influence of organizational management factors[J]. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2020, 45(5): 968-975.
41. Wang X, Tang Y, Liu C, et al. Effects of restrictive-prescribing stewardship on antibiotic consumption in primary care in China: an interrupted time series analysis, 2012–2017[J]. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 2020, 9: 1-11.
42. Wang D, Liu C, Zhang X. Do physicians’ attitudes towards patient-centered communication promote physicians’ intention and behavior of involving patients in medical decisions?[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2020, 17(17): 6393.
43. Zhou Q, Lai X, Zhang X, et al. Compliance measurement and observed influencing factors of hand hygiene based on COVID-19 guidelines in China[J]. American Journal of Infection Control, 2020, 48(9): 1074-1079.
44. Lin T, Wu Z, Liu M, et al. Evaluation of the effectiveness of comprehensive drug price reform: a case study from Shihezi city in Western China[J]. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2020, 19: 1-10.
45. Han M, Zhang X. Impact of medical professionals on Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: moderating effect of workload based on the panel data in China[J]. BMC Health Services Research, 2020, 20: 1-8.
46. Lai X, Wang X, Yang Q, et al. Will healthcare workers improve infection prevention and control behaviors as COVID-19 risk emerges and increases, in China?[J]. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 2020, 9: 1-9.
47. Zhao Y, Yang Q, Wang D, et al. Quality Management Model for Phase I Clinical Drug Trials: A Structural Equation Model[J]. Current Medical Science, 2020, 40(3): 586-593.
48. Chen H, Tang Y, Liu C, et al. Adherence to drug therapy for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a cross-sectional survey[J]. Archives of Public Health, 2020, 78: 1-8.
49. Du Y, Li J, Wang X, et al. Impact of a multifaceted pharmacist-led intervention on antimicrobial stewardship in a gastroenterology ward: a segmented regression analysis[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020, 11: 442.
50. Liu C, Wang D, Liu C, et al. What is the meaning of health literacy? A systematic review and qualitative synthesis[J]. Family medicine and community health, 2020, 8(2).
51. Wei M, Wang X, Zhang D, et al. Relationship between the number of hospital pharmacists and hospital pharmaceutical expenditure: a macro-level panel data model of fixed effects with individual and time[J]. BMC Health Services Research, 2020, 20: 1-8.
52. Zhao Y, Yao B F, Kou C, et al. Developmental population pharmacokinetics and dosing optimization of cefepime in neonates and young infants[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020, 11: 14.
53. Zhou Q, Fan L, Lai X, et al. Estimating extra length of stay and risk factors of mortality attributable to healthcare-associated infection at a Chinese university hospital: a multi-state model[J]. BMC infectious diseases, 2019, 19: 1-7.
54. Ye L, Zhang X, Geng J. Demographic transition and economic growth: evidence from China and United States[J]. The International journal of health planning and management, 2020, 35(1): e1-e11.
55. Zhang D, Cui Y, Zhang X. Estimating factors related to fluoroquinolone resistance based on one health perspective: static and dynamic panel data analyses from Europe[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2019, 10: 1145.
56. Ye L, Zhang X. Visualizing the knowledge structure of medication‐adherence research: A bibliometric analysis (1997‐2016)[J]. The International journal of health planning and management, 2019, 34(4): 1333-1353.
57. Wang X, Tang Y, Liu C, et al. Effects of restrictive prescribing on antibiotic consumption in primary care in China, 2012–17: an interrupted time-series analysis[J]. The Lancet, 2019, 394: S97.
58. Yang Q, Zhang X. Direct and indirect associations between personal protective equipment use and cleaning quality in a tertiary hospital in China: an observational study[J]. The Lancet, 2019, 394: S65.
59. Xiong Y, Zhang X. Diagnosis information exchange mediates the effect of patient initiative on doctors' treatment recommendations in online doctor-patient communication: a cross-sectional study[J]. The Lancet, 2019, 394: S50.
60. Zhang X, Cui Y, Liu C, et al. Antibiotic sales in primary care in Hubei province, China: an analysis of 2012–2017 procurement records[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, 16(18): 3376.
61. Liu C, Liu C, Wang D, et al. Intrinsic and external determinants of antibiotic prescribing: a multi-level path analysis of primary care prescriptions in Hubei, China[J]. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 2019, 8: 1-12.
62. Liu C, Liu C, Wang D, et al. Knowledge, attitudes and intentions to prescribe antibiotics: a structural equation modeling study of primary care institutions in Hubei, China[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, 16(13): 2385.
63. Nasser A M A, Zhang X. Knowledge and factors related to smoking among university students at Hodeidah University, Yemen[J]. Tobacco induced diseases, 2019, 17.
64. Xiong Y, Cui Y, Zhang X. Pharmaceutical expenditure and total health-care expenditure in OECD countries and China: bidirectional Granger causality on the basis of health level[J]. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2022, 22(3): 505-512.
65. Zhang Z, Zhang X, Lai X. Model of healthcare-associated infection control in primary health care institutions: a structural equation modeling[J]. Current Medical Science, 2019, 39(1): 153-158.
66. Xiong Y, Wang D, Chen H, et al. Development and validation of online textual pediatrician‐parent communication instrument based on the SEGUE framework[J]. BioMed Research International, 2019, 2019(1): 8638174.
67. Mixed effects of restriction strategies in antimicrobial stewardship programs on antimicrobial use in 121 tertiary hospitals in China. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes. Epub 2018 Nov 11: 1-7
68. Liu J, Yin C, Liu C, Tang Y, Zhang X. Modeling a Production Function to Evaluate the Effect of Medical Staffing on Antimicrobial Stewardship Performance in China, 2009–2016: Static and Dynamic Panel Data Analyses. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2018; 9:775.
69. Wang X, Du X, Liu C, Zhang X. Does the professional attitude of physicians always affect their professional behaviour? A survey in tertiary hospitals in Nanchang City, China. Australian Health Review. Mar 2018.
70. Wang D, Liu C, Zhang Z, Ye L, Zhang X. Validation of King's transaction process for healthcare provider-patient communication in pharmaceutical context: One cross-sectional study. Research in social & administrative pharmacy: RSAP. Mar 27 2018.
71. Wang D, Liu C, Zhang Z, Ye L, Zhang X. Testing a healthcare provider-patient communicative relationship quality model of pharmaceutical care in hospitals. International journal of clinical pharmacy. Mar 31 2018.
72. Tang Y, Liu C, Liu J, Zhang X, Zuo K. Effects of County Public Hospital Reform on Procurement Costs and Volume of Antibiotics: A Quasi-Natural Experiment in Hubei Province, China. PharmacoEconomics. 2018(epub ahead of print).
73. Tang Y, Liu C, Zhang Z, Zhang X. Effects of prescription restrictive interventions on antibiotic procurement in primary care settings: a controlled interrupted time series study in China. Cost Effectiveness And Resource Allocation. 2018;16.
74. Ye L , Zhang X . Nonlinear Granger Causality between Health Care Expenditure and Economic Growth in the OECD and Major Developing Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(9).
75. Nasser A,Salah B,Regassa L,Alhakimy A,Zhang X. Smoking prevalence, attitudes and associated factors among students in health-related Departments of Community College in rural Yemen. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2018; (16): 1617-9625.
76. Tang Y, Liu C, Zhang X. Performance associated effect variations of public reporting in promoting antibiotic prescribing practice: a cluster randomized-controlled trial in primary healthcare settings. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 2017;18(5):482-91.
77. Tang Y, Liu C, Zhang X. Delivery of Essential Medicines to Primary Care Institutions and its Association with Procurement Volume and Price: A Case Study in Hubei Province, China. Applied Health Economics And Health Policy. 2017;15(1):57-64.
78. Ye L, Zhang X, Lai X. Does Hospital Ownership Influence Hand Hygiene Compliance?J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol,2017.1672-0733.
79. Liu J, Wang L, Liu C, et al. Impact of price deregulation policy on the affordability of essential medicines for women’s health: a panel data analysis[J]. Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research, 2017, 17(6): 625-631.
80. Liu C, Zhang X, Liu C, Ewen M, Zhang Z, Liu G (2017). Insulin prices, availability and affordability: a cross-sectional survey of pharmacies in Hubei Province, China. BMC Health Services Research. 2017 Aug 24;17(1):597.
81. Liu C, Tang Y, Wang D, Zhang X. The effect of public reporting presentation on patients' decision making: An experimental survey in Yunan Province, China. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Jun;96(24):e7203.
82. Liu, C., Zhang, X., Xuan, W., Zhang, X., Jie, W., & Zhong, F. (2016). Does public reporting influence antibiotic and injection prescribing to all patients? a cluster-randomized matched-pair trial in china. Medicine (Baltimore), 95(26), e3965.
83. Tang Y, Liu C, Zhang X. Public reporting as a prescriptions quality improvement measure in primary care settings in China: variations in effects associated with diagnoses. Scientific Reports. 2016;6.
84. Yang L, Liu C, Ferrier J A, et al. Organizational barriers associated with the implementation of national essential medicines policy: A cross-sectional study of township hospitals in China[J]. Social Science & Medicine. 2015, 145: 201-208.
85. Wang D, Lai X, Liu C, et al. Influence of supplemental parenteral nutrition approach on nosocomial infection in pediatric intensive care unit of Emergency Department: a retrospective study. Nutrition Journal. 2015, 14(1).
86. Du X, Wang D, Wang X, Yang S, Zhang X*: Exploring the transparency mechanism and evaluating the effect of public reporting on prescription: a protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Bmc Public Health 2015, 15(1).
87. Liu C, Zhang X*, Wan J: Public reporting influences antibiotic and injection prescription in primary care: a segmented regression analysis. J Eval Clin Pract 2015:n/a-n/a.
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91. Zhong F, Liu C, Zhang X*. Guideline adherence for the treatment of advanced schistosomiasis japonica in Hubei, China. Parasitology research, 2014: 1-7.
92. Zheng X, Zhong F, Zhang X*. Doctors’ compliance with national guidelines and clinical pathway on the treatment of tuberculosis inpatients in Hubei, China. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2014, 20 (3):288-293.
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1. 王丹,韩萌,段立霞,林如娇,钱盼,张新平,唐玉清,刘晨曦.公众抗生素合理使用行为模式现状及影响因素分[J].中国公共卫生,2023,39(5):639-644.
2. 王雪梅,唐玉清,杜亚玲,等.基于间断时间序列模型的辅助用药监管政策干预效果研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2021,14(03):57-63.
3. 范丽丽,张新平,王雪梅,等.ICU清洁集束化干预对清洁质量及医院感染发生的影响研究[J].医学与社会,2021,34(02):22-26.
4. 熊玉琦,陈海红,梁辰,施娣,龚斐,张新平,王蕾,朱小平.互联网医患功能沟通质量综合评价研究[J].中国卫生质量管理,2021,28(6):63-65.
5. 熊玉琦,张新平,朱小平,施娣,王蕾,陈海红,龚斐,梁辰.互联网医患功能沟通质量测量工具开发与评价[J].中国卫生质量管理,2021,28(6):55-58.
6. 熊玉琦,施娣,朱小平,梁辰,张新平,王蕾,陈海红,龚斐.互联网医患功能沟通质量内涵模型构建[J].中国卫生质量管理,2021,28(6):59-62.
7. 黎倩伶,张新平.我国抗菌药物耐药性研究热点分析[J].医学信息学杂志,2019,40(12):58-61+71.
8. 王绚,张新平,陈晶.南昌市三级医院医生医患关系认知与医学职业精神认同的关系[J].医学与社会,2019,32(11):57-60.
9. 鞠鑫,张新平.需方参加药物治疗管理的行为意愿及影响因素分析[J].中国医院管理,2019,39(05):42-44.
10. 周倩,陈海红,张梦辉,张新平.广东省家庭医生开展药学服务的现状与挑战[J].中国医院药学杂志, 2018,38(18):1976-1979.
11. 万杰,张新平,张士靖.美国护理机构信息公开内容研究及启示[J].护理学杂志,2017,(06):107-109.
12. 万杰,张新平,王丹,刘晨曦,张士靖.美国护理机构医疗服务信息公开历程及模式介绍[J].护理学杂志,2017,(08):100-102.
13. 闫超,王丹,万杰,刘晨曦,张新平.美国透析机构信息公开状况及对我国的启示[J].医学与社会,2017,(06):12-15.
14. 蔡菲,张新平.美国医院信息公开中的利益集团分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2017,(02):32-36.
15. 叶菁,王丹,张新平.美国医生信息公开的指标遴选及内容研究[J].中国医院管理,2017,(05):78-80.
16. 张新平,陈海红,方鹏骞等.三明市药品供应保障改革政策分析[J].中华医院管理杂志,2017,33(4):263-266.
17. 陈海红,张新平,方鹏骞.三明市药品供应保障改革的利益相关者分析[J].中国医院管理,2017,37(10):7-9.
18. 蒋俊男,陈海红,张梦辉,等.芜湖药品福利管理模式的利益集团分析[J].中国医院管理,2017,(11):18-19.
19. 张梦辉,赖晓全,张新平,等.医疗机构锐器伤漏报及影响因素分析[J].中国医院管理,2017,(11):43-45.
20. 杨春艳,刘剑敏,王芳,等.基层医疗机构用药信息透明度测量量表研制[J].医药导报,2017,(1):109-113.
21. 王绚,张新平,赖晓全.基于公开的手术部位感染指标遴选研究[J].中华医院感染学杂志,2017,(18):4175-4178.
22. 张新平,蔡菲,赵圣文,张研,方鹏骞.我国药品供应保障制度的现状、问题及对策[J].中国医院管理,2016,36(11)11:11-14.
23. 熊玉琦,张新平,王丹,等.基于风险调整模型的血液透析相关感染监管研究[J].中国医院管理,2016,(1):58-60.
24. 郑晓菲,张新平,赖晓全,等.基于德尔菲法的医院感染公开指标研究[J].中国医院管理,2016,(5):59-61.
25. 杨春艳,刘剑敏,王芳,等.基层医疗机构用药信息透明度测量实证研究[J].中国卫生事业管理,2016,(8):591-594.
26. 杨春艳,刘剑敏,张新平.医疗机构药品使用信息透明的内涵与概念框架[J].医学与社会,2016,(4):11-13.
27. 杨春艳,王利军,张新平.国外药品监管透明度测量研究现状与启示[J].中国卫生事业管理,2015,(4):268-270.
28. 熊玉琦,张小鹏,杨廉平,张新平.基于医疗服务绩效信息透明的质量促进效果研究综述[J].中国医院管理,2015,(9):72-74.
29. 杨廉平,叶菁,姚强,等.处方指标公开对抗生素使用的影响分析[J].中华医院管理杂志,2015,(1):42-45.
30. 王利军,罗五金,张小鹏,杨春艳,杨廉平,张新平.美国医疗服务绩效信息公开报告体系的循证研究及对我国的启示[J].中国卫生政策研究,2015,01:64-68.
31. 姚盛,张新平. 武汉市社区卫生服务中心药品管理现状分析[J].中国社会医学杂志,2015,01:34-36.
32. 石晶霞,王利军,邹立君,张新平.基于HONcode准则的武汉市某医学院学生选择健康类网站行为影响因素的实证研究[J].医学与社会,2015,05:74-77+97.
33. 林振平,崔康康,胡文静,等.中外探讨无偿献血意愿影响因素的比较[J].医学与哲学, 2015, 36(19):52-55.
34. 林振平,刘慧南,蔡旭兵,等.我国临床输血合理性文献的研究结果分析[J].医学与哲学(B), 2015(1):51-54.
35. 杨廉平,王利军,熊玉琦,刘晗,毛道元, &张新平.医生对用药信息公开的觉察压力评价分析.中华医院管理杂志,2014,30(7), 553-556.
36. 杜鑫,殷希,张新平.氨氯地平与尼群地平治疗高血压的综合评价[J].中国医院药学杂志,2014,01:59-62.
37. 杨诗汝,张新平.胰岛素泵持续皮下输注(CSII)和多次皮下注射(MDI)治疗糖尿病的卫生经济学评价[J].药学与临床研究,2014,01:92-95.
38. 杨春艳,杨诗汝,杨廉平,张新平.基本药物制度对基层医疗卫生机构抗生素使用的影响[J].中国卫生事业管理,2014,02:109-112.
39. 殷希,杜鑫,杨诗汝,张新平.美英两国医疗领域透明监管制度对我国合理用药监管的启示[J].医学与社会,2014,09:11-14.
40. 林振平,王丽君,胡文静,戴宇东,蔡旭兵,张新平.我国无偿献血影响因素研究的文献计量分析[J].南京医科大学学报(社会科学版),2014,06:445-447.
41. 杨春艳,杨诗汝,向小曦,张新平.我国基本药物制度对湖北省基层医疗卫生机构合理用药的影响[J].医学与社会,2013,01:17-19.
42. 杨春艳,向小曦,张新平.湖北省基层医疗卫生机构基本药物销售现状调查[J].医学与社会,2013,02:37-39.
43. 刘晨曦,张新平.国外公共政策协调方式对实施我国基本药物制度的启示[J].医学与社会,2013,02:67-69.
44. 王洪涛,杨廉平,唐玉清,张新平.基于因子分析的乡镇卫生院基本药物制度实施效果评价[J].中国卫生经济,2013,01:25-27.
45. 石晶霞,邹立君,张新平.高校图书馆外文文献资源建设探究[J].医学信息学杂志,2013,04:75-78.
46. 杨春艳,向小曦,杜书伟,张新平.湖北省公立医院门诊药事服务实际成本测算研究[J].医学与社会,2013,7-9.
47. 杨春艳,杨诗汝,张新平.实施基本药物制度对基层医疗卫生机构发展的影响[J].中国执业药师,2013,21-23.
48. 杨春艳,张春红,张新平,罗晶.武汉市江夏区新农合住院费用支付方式改革效果分析[J].中国社会医学杂志,2013,02:131-133.
49. 唐玉清,杜鑫,王洪涛,杨廉平,张新平.实施综合干预对降低住院患者抗菌药物使用率效果的Meta分析[J].中国药房,2013,24:2275-2279.
50. 杨诗汝,向小曦,杨春艳,张新平.湖北省村卫生室基本药物配送现状分析[J].医学与社会,2013,07:28-30.
51. 杜鑫,殷希,唐玉清,张新平.湖北省基本药物采购信息透明对高价药采购数量的影响[J].医学与社会,2013,07:50-52.
52. 杨廉平,唐玉清,张小鹏,杜鑫,王利军,殷希,杨诗汝,王洪涛,张新平.药品“零差率”下基层医疗机构补偿机制转变实证分析[J].中国医院管理,2013,10:45-47.
53. 周指明,张新平,殷晓旭,龚言红,卢祖洵.深圳市综合医院与社区卫生服务机构双向转诊沟通模式研究[J].中国社会医学杂志,2013,05:344-346.
54. 王利军,罗五金,张新平.国内阿托伐他汀治疗高脂血症有效性和安全性的Meta分析[J].医药导报,2013,11:1443-1450.
55. 周指明,张新平,殷晓旭,龚言红,卢祖洵.深圳市医务人员双向转诊沟通认知状况调查[J].医学与社会,2013,12:48-50.
56. 杨诗汝,王世宏,向小曦,杨春艳,陈昊,周永康,刘国庆,张新平.大医院“直管”社区卫生机构转诊模式实施效果评价[J].中国医院管理,2013,11:8-10.
57. 向小曦,冯启明,向继洲,张新平.广西壮族自治区城市社区卫生人力资源配置公平性分析[J].中国社会医学杂志,2013,06:406-408.
58. 兰洁,张新平.农村药品监管经费投入分析[J].医学与社会,2012,01:65-68.
59. 刘云云,曾丽,张新平.高值医用耗材采购模式概述[J].医学与社会,2012,04:66-68.
60. 王迪飞,张新平.“看病贵”的经济学原因分析[J].中国医院管理,2012,04:12-14.
61. 刘云云,田昕,曾丽,黄金星,张新平.湖北省基层医疗机构基本药物制度执行意愿及影响因素分析[J].医学与社会,2012,03:56-58.
62. 杨廉平,王迪飞,唐玉清,向小曦,王洪涛,张新平.患方在危重临床决策中的地位探讨[J].中国卫生事业管理,2012,04:282-284.
63. 王洪涛,唐玉清,刘云云,杨廉平,张新平.我国基本药物制度政策效果评价——基于山东、湖北、四川三省的监测数据[J].中国卫生政策研究,2012,04:30-34.
64. 杨春艳,黄金星,刘云云,向小曦,王洪涛,唐玉清,陈宇,张新平.湖北省基本药物制度实施对基层医疗机构财政补偿的影响分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2012,04:35-39.
65. 张新平,王洪涛,舒占坤,杨廉平,唐玉清.基本药物制度实施中的政府部门协调机制研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2012,05:54-57.
66. 唐玉清,王洪涛,杨廉平,刘云云,张新平.实施基本药物制度对基层医疗机构药品收入的影响[J].中国卫生政策研究,2012,05:58-61.
67. 熊玉琦,张小鹏,张新平.基层医疗机构药品使用信息公开评估指标体系研究[J].中国医药科学,2012,12-15.
68. 刘晨曦,张新平.基本药物制度推行中政府部门协调机制研究[J].中国初级卫生保健,2012,06:1-3.
69. 梁海珊,茹正开,张新平.美国临床药学教育体系对我国药学教育的启示[J].中国社会医学杂志,2012,162-163.
70. 熊玉琦,张新平.基层医疗卫生机构用药信息公开制度分析[J].医学与社会,2012,07:44-46+55.
71. 郑双江,舒占坤,张新平.云南省某医院门诊医生处方基本药物的自身影响因素分析[J].医学与社会,2012,07:50-52.
72. 王洪涛,杨廉平,唐玉清,张新平.村卫生室实施基本药物制度存在的主要问题及对策[J].医学与社会,2012,07:53-55.
73. 杨春艳,向小曦,张新平.基本药物制度下基层医疗机构补偿模式探讨[J].医学与社会,2012,08:37-39+50.
74. 黄金星,杨春艳,陈宇,杨诗汝,王洪涛,唐玉清,张小鹏,张新平.村卫生室实施基本药物制度的补偿水平测算——以湖北省江陵县为例[J].中国卫生政策研究,2012,07:35-38.
75. 熊玉琦,杨春艳,张小鹏,杜书伟,张新平.湖北省医院门诊药事服务项目界定与服务成本测算研究[J].中国医院管理,2012,09:67-69.
76. 舒占坤,张小鹏,张新平.处方点评反馈模型研究[J].中国医院管理,2012,07:62-64.
77. 张新平,王洪涛,唐玉清,杨廉平.国家基本药物制度政策回顾研究[J].医学与社会,2012,09:28-31.
78. 钟方莹,杨诗汝,张新平.湖北省乡镇卫生院促进合理用药监管措施及透明度案例研究[J].中国社会医学杂志,2012,04:286-288.
79. 杨廉平,张新平.我国药物经济学应用热点探讨[J].中国药房,2012,38:3553-3555.
80. 周巍,张新平,董胜利.澳大利亚制订临床实践指南对中国的启示[J].中国全科医学,2012,31:3568-3569.
81. 向小曦,杨春艳,杜书伟,向可,张新平.湖北省公立医院住院基本药事服务成本测算[J].中国医院药学杂志,2012,22:1839-1840.
82. 周巍,杨廉平,刘朝杰,张新平.澳大利亚三级公立医疗机构信息公开与透明探析[J].中国卫生事业管理,2012,12:891-893.