Wuxing Zhang
·Paper Publications
Wuxing Zhang, Kazumichi Yanagisawa, Sumio Kamiya, and Tatsuo Shou, Phase Controllable Synthesis of Well-Crystallized Rhodium Sulfides by the Hydrothermal Method. Crystal Growth & Design, 2009. 9(8): p. 3765-3770.
Release time:2019-08-30  Hits:
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Wuxing Zhang, Kazumichi Yanagisawa, Sumio Kamiya, and Tatsuo Shou, Solvothermal Preparation and Control of Phase Composition of Nanosized Rhodium Sulfide Particles. Chemistry Letters, 2009. 38(3): p. 210-211.
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Wuxing Zhang and Kazumichi Yanagisawa, Hydrothermal synthesis of zinc hydroxide chloride sheets and their conversion to ZnO. Chemistry of Materials, 2007. 19(9): p. 2329-2334.