·Paper Publications
[46] Li Z, Pan Z, Zhang L, et al. End-of-life cost and its determinants for cancer patients in urban China: a population-based retrospective study[J]. BMJ Open,2019,9(3):e26309.DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026309
Release time:2020-10-13  Hits:
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[47] Liu X, Zhang L, He R, et al. Measuring the effect of health on the income of people living in extreme poverty: A comparative cross-sectional analysis[J]. Int J Health Plann Manage,2019,34(2):714-726.DOI:10.1002/hpm.2730
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[45] He R, Miao Y, Zhang L, et al. Effects of expanding outpatient benefit package on the rationality of medical service utilisation of patients with hypertension: a quasi-experimental trial in rural China[J]. BMJ Open,2019,9(5):e25254.DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025254