·Paper Publications
Ting Guo, Shenglin Jiang, Haibo Zhang, Ruzhan Lin. Effect of Manganese Nitrate Doping on the Properties of PMN-PZT Pyroelectric Ceramics. Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptic,2008,30(2), 202-204.
Release time:2020-10-27  Hits:
Date of Publication: 2008-01-01
Pre One::
Haibo Zhang*, Shenglin Jiang, Yike Zeng. Piezoelectric property in morphotropic phase boundary Bi0.5 (Na0.82K0.18)0.5TiO3 lead free thick film deposited by screen printing. Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92(15),152901.
Next One::
Haibo Zhang*, Shenglin Jiang, Yike Zeng. B site doping effect on depinning in Pb(Mn1/3Nb1/3 Sb1/3)x(Zr0.825Ti0.175)1–xO3 ferroelectric ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 2008,93(19),192901.