·Paper Publications
Haibo Zhang*, Yiwei Zhu, Zeyu Li, Penyuan Fan, Weigang Ma, Bing Xie*. High discharged energy density of polymer nanocomposites containing paraelectric SrTiO3 nanowires for flexible energy storage device. Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2018, 744, 116-123.
Release time:2020-10-27  Hits:
Date of Publication: 2018-01-01
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Florian Weyland, Haibo Zhang, Nikola Novak*. Enhancement of Energy Storage Performance by Criticality in Lead-Free Relaxor Ferroelectrics, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters,2018, 12(7),1800165.
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Bing Xie, Haibo Zhang, Qi Zhang, Jiadong Zang, Chao Yang, Qingping Wang, MingYu Lia, Shenglin Jiang. Enhanced energy density of polymer nanocomposites at a low electric field through aligned BaTiO3 nanowires, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(13), 6070.