Qiuyuan Zhu, Xinhua Xu*, Jinghua Yu. Study of Dynamic Thermal Performance of Active Pipe-embedded Building Envelopes Based on Frequency-Domain Finite Difference Method. APEC Conference on Low-carbon Towns and Physical Energy Storage, May 25-26, 2013, Changsha, China,561-565(EI).
上一条:Jinghua Yu*, Liwei Tian, Xinhua Xu, Jian Yang. Research process on thermal modeling of hollow Block ventilated wall. APEC Conference on Low-carbon Towns and Physical Energy Storage May 25-26, 2013, Changsha, China, 551-555
下一条:Jinghua Yu*, Xinhua Xu, Liwei Tian. Effect of envelope design on energy consumption respect to EETP index. Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, Changsha, Feb, 2011:1140-1143 (EI).