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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
学科:热能工程- [161] Xiaowei Liu, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Dunxi Yu, Dangzhen Lv, and Ke Zhou, The Formation and Emission of Particulate Matter during the Combustion of Density Separated Coal Fractions, Energy & Fuel,2008, 22(6), 3844-3851.
- [162] Han Jun, Heejoon Kim, Yuhei Sakaguchi and Hong Yao, Reduction of NOx and SO2 in a non-thermal plasma reactor combined with catalyst and methanol,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 doi:10.1088/0022-3727/41/20/205213, 2008.
- [163] YU DunXi, XU MingHou, Hong Yao, LIU XiaoWei & ZHOU Ke,Effective identification of the three particle modes generated during pulverized coal combustion,Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(10), 1593-1602,2008.
- [164] Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu , Hong Yao, Xiaowei Liu, Ke Zhou ,A new method for identifying the modes of particulate matter from pulverized coal combustion,Powder Technology 183 105-114, 2008.
- [165] J. Han, M. Xu, Hong Yao, M. Furuuchi, H. J. Kim, The Effect of Chloride on Separation Temperature of Heavy and Alkali Metals During Sewage Sludge Incineration, Waste Management, 28: 833-839,2008.
- [166] Yu Qiao, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Chen Wang, Xun Gong, Modeling of homogeneous tin speciation using detailed chemical kinetics,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 2(3): 158-164,2007.
- [167] Changdong Sheng, Yi Li, Xiaowei Liu, Hong Yao, Minghou Xu, Ash particle formation during O2/CO2 combustion of pulverized coals,Fuel Processing Technology, 88,1021–1028, 2007.
- [168] Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Jiancai Sui, Xiaowei Liu, Yun Yu, Qian Cao, Use of elemental size distributions in identifying particle formation modes, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31(2): 1921-1928,2007.
- [169] Yun Yu, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Dunxi Yu, Yu Qiao, Jiancai Sui, Xiaowei Liu and Qian Cao, Char Characteristics and Particulate Matter Formation during a Chinese Bituminous Coal Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31(2): 1947-1954,2007.
- [170] Quanbin WANG, Hong Yao, Dunxi YU, Li DAI, Minghou XU, Emission behavior of particulate matter during co-combustion of coal and biomass in a drop tube furnace, Energy & Fuels 21(2): 513-516,2007.