·Published Books
- [11] Introduction to Life Science (Medical Edition) (First Edition)
- [12] Introduction to life science, national planning textbook for the 11th Five Year Plan of General Higher Education (2nd Edition, color picture edition, CD version)
- [13] Introduction to Life Science
- [14] Introduction to Life Science
- [15] Bartocci P., Tschentscher R., Yan Y., Yang H., Bidini G., Fantozzi F. 2020. Biofuels: Types and Process Overview. In: Srivastava N., Srivastava M., Mishra P., Gupta V. (eds), Biofuel Production Technologies: Critical Analysis for Sustainability. Clean Energy Production Technologies. Springer, Singapore (https://doi.org/10.1007/ 978-981-13-8637-4_1)
- [16] Yan, J., Yan, Y. Biodiesel Production and Technologies. In: Abraham, M.A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies.,
- [17] Yun-Jun Yan*, Cheng Peng. A Promising Strategy to Biorefine Oils: Enzymatic Catalyzed Biodiesel Production and Development of High-valued Products. In J. N. Govil (Ed) “Biotechnology Series (Vol. 12): Bioprocess Engineering”,