· Personal Information
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Teacher College:School of Energy and Power Engineering
Department:School of Energy and Power Engineering
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
Alma Mater:National University of Singapore
Discipline: Condensed Matter Physics
Engineering Thermophysics
· Other Contact Information:
· Personal Profile
杨诺教授致力于微纳尺度声子工程领域传热、热调控和能量转换的基础和应用研究。至2018.10,共发表学术论文近50篇。通讯/第一作者文章情况为:近40篇,3篇ESI高被引论文,近900次,H指数17,发表在高影响力杂志Nano Today (R)、Nano Lett. (5篇)、Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.)、Nanoscale (2篇)、Small、Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev.、Ener. Conv. Manag. 、Appl. Ener. 和 Int. J. Heat. Mass Tran. (3篇) 等。(详情请见 纳米传热实...
· Education Experience
- 2004.8 ~ 2010.8
-  National University of Singapore   Doctoral Degree in Philosophy  -  Postgraduate (Doctoral) 
- 2000.9 ~ 2003.6
-  Chinese Academy of Science   Master's Degree in Engineering  -  Postgraduate (Master's Degree) 
- 1996.9 ~ 2000.6
-  University of Science and Technology of China   Bachelor's Degree in Science  -  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 
· Work Experience
- 2013.12-Now
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology - 教授/博导
- 2012.1-2013.12
- Tongji University - 研究员/博导
- 2010.9-2011.12
- National University of Singapore - 博士后
- 2009.9-2010.9
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology - 博士后
· Social Affiliations
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