Paper Publications
Bayesian nonparametric inference for a multivariate copula function
Release time:2018-09-29 Hits:
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Code:62H12
First Author:Juan Wu
Correspondence Author:Juan Wu
Co-author:Xue Wang,Stephen G. Walker
Journal:Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
Included Journals:SCI
Affiliation of Author(s):Huazhong University of Science and Technology
First-Level Discipline:Statistics
Document Type:J
Page Number:747-763
ISSN No.:1387-5841
Date of Publication:2014-09-29
Abstract:The paper presents a general Bayesian nonparametric approach for estimating
a high dimensional copula. We first introduce the skew–normal copula,
which we then extend to an infinite mixture model. The skew–normal copula fixes
some limitations in the Gaussian copula. An MCMC algorithm is developed to draw
samples from the correct posterior distribution and the model is investigated using
both simulated and real applications.