Paper Publications
The Design Approaches of the Museum's Informal Learning Function from the V&A Museum
Release time:2020-05-19 Hits:
Indexed by:Journal paper
First Author:Wang li
Correspondence Author:王贞
Journal:Art and Design
Affiliation of Author(s):华中科技大学
First-Level Discipline:Design
Document Type:J
Page Number:60-62
ISSN No.:1008-2832
Key Words:Museum Education; Informal Learning; Exhibition Deisgn; V&A Museum
Date of Publication:2020-02-15
Abstract:The "museum boom" is one of the most important cultural phenomena brought by the rapid development of China's society and economy in recent years. Museums not only assume the responsibility of displaying artistic treasures and national treasures in exhibition cabinets but also serve as an important place for popularizing culture and education, as well as an important channel for "dialogue" between tourists and exhibits. By analysis of the exhibition design in London's Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), three proposals have been put forward: 1.minimization in the "people - display" distance; 2.
Links to published journals:DOI:10.16824/j.cnki.issn10082832.2020.02.012