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Jia T, Hongbing Tao*, Qin K, et al. Selecting the optimal healthcare centers with a modified P-median model: a visual analytic perspective[J]. International journal of health geographics, 2014, 13(1): 42.
Release time:2020-10-14  Hits:
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Qin Shu, Hongbing Tao*, John Fu P, Ru-ning Zhang, Jun Zhou, Zhao-hui Cheng. The Differences Between Doctor’s and Nurses’Attitudes Towards Adverse Event Reporting and Assessments of Factors That Inhibit Reporting[J]. American Journal of Medical Quality,2014,29(3):262-263.
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郭海斌, 陶红兵*.区块链技术在电子健康档案中的应用与存在的问题[J].中华医学图书情报杂志,2020,29(03):43-46.