Shen L*, Xiong B, Li W, Lan F, Evans R, Zhang W. Visualizing collaboration characteristics and topic burst on international mobile health research: bibliometric analysis. JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth. 2018; 6(6):e135. (SCI/Q1, IF:4.541)
Release time:2020-10-12
- Pre One:Shen L#*, Wang S#, Dai W#, Zhang Z. Detecting the Interdisciplinary Nature and Topic Hotspots of Robotics in Surgery: Social Network Analysis and Bibliometric Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2019; 21(3):e12625.(SCI/Q1, IF:4.945)
- Next One:Shen L*, Xiong B, Hu J. Research status, hotspots and trends for information behavior in China using bibliometric and co-word analysis. Journal of Documentation. 2017; 73(4):618-633. (SSCI/Q3, IF:0.853)