·Paper Publications
Runxiao Zhao, Bin Qin*, Xu Liu, Heming Chen, Qushan Chen, Design and optimization of beam optics for a superconducting gantry applied to proton therapy, Physica Medica, 73 (2020) 158–163
Release time:2020-07-01  Hits:
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Wenjie Han, Guanqun Li, Bin Qin*, Xu Liu, Dong Li, Qushan Chen, Chong Zhou, Development and measurement of a fast kicker magnet applied to a proton therapy facility, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 971 (2020) 164094
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李冠群,韩文杰,秦斌,刘旭,陈曲珊,用于质子治疗的Kicker磁铁动态磁场测量,核技术 2020, 43: 010201